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^ In 1990, Congress dire<
acting through the Director of the National Park Ser-
vice to conduct a study of alternatives for commemo-
rating and interpreting the Underground Railroad, the
approxunate routes taken by enslaved fugitives escap-
ing to freedom before the conclusion of the Civil War.
The Congress also directed the Secretary of the Interi-
or acting through the Director of the National Park
■^rvice to prepare and pubUsh an interpretive handfi
^ok on the Underground Railroad in the larger coi?
text of American Antebellum society, including the
history of slavery and abolitionism. This handbook has
^Sen prepared by the National Park Service in fulfill-
nient of our charge under Public Law 101-628. It is my
hope that the reading and discussion of our shared past
iWiU benefit all Americans.
p^The Underground RaSrbadjstory is hke nothing else
in American history: a secret enterprise that today i^F
famous, an association many claim but few can doci^
ment, an illegal activity now regarded as noble, a neU
work that was neither underground nor a railroad, ^_
system that operated not with force or high finance but
through the committed and often spontaneous acts of
courage and kindness of individuals unknown to each
other. Perhaps the Underground Railroad lives in
America's consciousness because it serves so many
myths and challenges so many others. For all Ameri-
cans in search of a shared past, it proves that brutal sys-
tems and brutal laws can be overturned from within. It
demonstrates that people can struggle and free them-
selves from bondage through individual and collective
acts of courage. It speaks of the power of freedom and
This is an amazing story and a timely one that offers
insight into America's need to face our collective histo-
ry together and recreate our past with each generation.
This handbook which draws together court records,
buildings letters, and memories and draws on the
research of historians tells the story anew. The Under-
ground Railroad has a special place in our nation's his-
toric memory. The National Park Service is committed
to assuring that this history will be preserved. We invite
your participation. ^
Robert Stanton 4
^'^ctor, National
[yth and Reality 7
'y Larry Gara
TFrom Bondage to Freedom 16
Slavery in America 19
By Brenda E. Stevenson
>The Underground Railroad 45
)y C. Peter Ripley
the Past 76
aret (jromef
•with slave catch-
ers in Cincinnati, Ohio, where
she, her husband, and four chil-
dren fwd fled from Kentucky.
Accounts and illustrations
of what happened vary, but in
1856 Garner reportedly killed i
one child and wounded three
in an attempt to prevent their
recapture. She was sold back
into slavery in the Deep South,
where shejdied-of typkMiOiamm^^
■ ■"^^^^^SsJ'^-f^tetSIS^
An Epic in United States Fiistory
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Myth and Reality
By Larry Gara
The intriguing ston' of the Underground Railroad is
one of America's great legends, a mix of historical facts
embroidered with m\l:hs. Traditionally the term refers
to a multitude of routes to freedom taken by fugitive
slaves. Typically the story focuses primarily on aboli-
tionist operators and pictures fugitives as helpless,
frightened passengers. The stor\'. told in the context of a
free North and a slaveholding South, often assumes that
only by taking advantage of a well-organized national
network of aboHtionists could slaves have succeeded in
escaping. Numerous accounts tell of daring rescues,
ingenious underground hiding places, and tunnels con-
necting nearby rivers to underground stations.
In fact, however, the North before the Civil War was
not entirely free, either. By the end of the American
Revolutionar)' era all Northern states had abolished
slaver}^ or had made provision to do so. but fugitive
slaves were always in danger of being returned under
federal law and. in some cases, even under state law.
Consequently, after Britain abolished slaver\' through-
out its colonies in 1833. Canada became an important
destination for fugitives who feared recapture and
return to bondage. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850,
which greatly expanded federal powers to protect the
interests of slaveholders, posed a new threat to all fugi-
tives in Northern states, and large numbers fled to
Canada. Many stories about the Underground Railroad
grew from events after passage of that law.
Ironically, while the 1850 law mandated Northern
involvement in the return of fugitive slaves, it also led
many Northerners to become moderate antislavery
sympathizers. They already resented the power granted
to the South in the US. Constitution whereby slave-
holding states were allowed to count ever}' fi\'e slaves as
three persons for purposes of Congressional represen-
tation and the assignment of electoral votes. It was that
power rather than slaver\' itself that many Northerners
resented. The new law requiring that slaves be returned
fueled anger and opposition to Southern demands.
This passageway (enlarged
since the Underground Rail-
road era) at the Milton House
Inn in Milton, Wisconsin, is
locally believed to have been
used by fugitive slaves
Inside front coven A page
from Quaker Daniel Osbom s
1844 diary lists fugitive slaves
passing through the Alum
Creek Settlement in Ohio.
Pages 4-5: A black couple
flees with their child to the rela-
tive safety of Union lines near
Manassas, Virginia, in Eastman
Johnson 's 1862 painting, A
Ride for Libert\':The Fugitive
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia,
symbolizes a turning point
in the African- American strug-
gle for freedom. Here John
Brown and his 18-man "army
of liberation " raided the federal
arsenal in an attempt to lead a
slave insurrection in the South.
Despite its failure, the raid gal-
vanized feelings in the North
and South and helped spark
the Civil War, which led to
emancipation. During the war
the town, then a part of Vir-
ginia, changed hands eight
times as Union and Confeder-
ate troops battled to control
this gateway to the Shenan-
doah Valley and the South.
The mythical Underground Railroad became best
known after the Civil War, but it had its roots in the
antebellum period. Both abolitionists and defenders of
slavery dealt in exaggeration; it was not a time in which
individuals stuck to cold facts. Abohtionists boasted of
their aid to fugitive slaves or announced their willing-
ness to give such aid. Fugitive slaves like Frederick
Douglass were effective spokespersons for abolition
and often were featured speakers at antislavery gather-
ings. Stories like that of Shadrach Minkins, a fugitive
who was rescued from jail in Boston and sent on to
Canada, got national attention and helped generate
sympathy for slaves who had the courage and ingenuity
to leave the South.
For their part. Southern politicians exaggerated the
number of escapes and blamed them all on Northern-
ers interfering with Southern property rights. Because
of exaggeration and the lack of proper record keeping,
numbers of escapes cannot be exact. While it is clear
that there were more than the thousand annual slave
escapes listed in census returns, any approximate num-
ber would fall far short of the total of one million sug-
gested by several persons.
Because few contemporary documents concerning
the Underground Railroad have survived, most of the
sources are autobiographical accounts written years
after the events occurred. The abolitionist memoirs are
based on recollections of members of a much-reviled
minority writing after they had seen their cause tri-
umph and their years of loyal service vindicated. While
they vary in authenticity, most tend' to relate events
from one point of view. Little or nothing was written
about the ingenious and daring escape plans carried out
by the fugitives themselves. The exception was The
Underground Railroad written in 1872 by William Still,
an African American. He published numerous docu-
ments, including his own interviews with fugitives who
were going through Philadelphia, and focused attention
on what he referred to as the "self-emancipated cham-
pions" of his race.
In the years after the Civil War, stories about the
Underground Railroad appeared in magazines and
newspapers. Many of these accounts were based on the
memories of aging abolitionists and embellished by
reporters. Through such tales the Underground Rail-
road entered the realm of American folklore. Even
those close to the events had difficulty separating fact
* fi
l'^^ rt
from fiction. Gary CoUison's biography of Shadrach
Minkins tells of conflicting and erroneous rumors and
myths concerning Shadrach's brief stay in Concord,
Massachusetts, on his way to Canada.
In the postwar years such terms as "passenger" and
"conductor" of the Underground Railroad received
wide circulation. What were only cellars, servants' quar-
ters, and storage rooms were assumed to have been
constructed for hiding fugitive slaves. Legendary mate-
rial was repeated in stories, novels, plays, and even his-
torical monographs. In 1898 Professor Wilbur H.
Siebert published the classic history. The Underground
Railroad from Slavery to Freedom, which he based on
correspondence with descendants and others claiming
knowledge of the institution. His collection is valuable,
but some stories he accepted could not be verified.
While there were always some individ-
uals willing to provide food and shelter to
fleeing slaves, the term Underground
Railroad did not come into common use
until the construction of actual railroads
became widespread. In 1844 an abolition-
ist newspaper in Chicago published a car-
toon captioned "The Liberty Line" that
portrayed happy fugitives in a railroad car
going to Canada from the United States.
Passage of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
also led to more common use of the term
and to increased aid to fugitive slaves.
The popular myth depicts a nationwide, centralized
underground operation. One novelist pictures a highly
organized, smooth-running operation with stations in
both the North and the South, all of it masterminded by
an elderly, invalid Quaker woman. In truth, there was
some organized activity in certain localities, but none
nationwide. Much of the aid to fugitives was haphazard.
One or two incidents concerning fugitive slaves could
give a community a reputation for a thriving system of
aid. Local pride contributed to the popularity of the
myth as unverified family stories appeared in local his-
torical publications.
Inevitably, a good deal of exaggeration entered the
picture. At least four communities claimed to be the
place where the term Underground Railroad originat-
ed, and at least five individuals were referred to in post-
war accounts as "president" of the Underground
Railroad. While some abolitionists had well-deserved
The African Meeting House
in Boston dates to 1806 and is
the oldest surviving black i
church in the United States. '
Today it is a part of Boston
African American National
Historic Site, which includes 15
pre- Civil War structures linked
by a Black Heritage Trail The
Mother Bethel A. M.E. Church,
shown below in an 1820s litho-
graph, was at the center of the
antislavery movement in
Edward Johnson, citizen.
James Laws, citizen. Mary
Page, citizen. Row upon row,
these simple gravestones in
a corner of Arlington National
Cemetery are a tribute to what
it meant to the disenfranchised
to become citizens. The stones
mark the graves of blacks who
died fighting for the Union
army and the graves of their
families The cemetery, in Vir-
ginia overlooking the Potomac
River and Washington, D. C,
is ironically on the lands of
the former estate of Confeder-
ate Gen. Robert E. Lee. A
freedman 5 village was estab-
lished on the grounds of the
plantation for hundreds of
former slaves.
reputations for their work with fugitive slaves, many
individuals who had little or no record of such service
but who had held moderate to strong antislavery views
were assumed, after the war, to have been part of the
Underground Railroad.
Legendary accounts tend to blur the many divisions
within the antislavery movement. While many Quakers
supported Underground Railroad activities, others op-
posed what they viewed as extremist ideas. In the 1840s,
Free-Soilers who favored only political measures that
restricted slavery to the South had little to do with the
fugitive slave issue, but after the Civil War many were
associated with it in Underground Railroad stories.
One of the more persistent myths concerns tunnels
or underground hiding places. One story, frequently
repeated, described such a tunnel under St. John's Epis-
copal Church in Cleveland, Ohio. The Western Reserve
Historical Society conducted two separate investiga-
tions that concluded no such tunnels ever existed. In
1993 Byron D. Fruehling made on-site investigations of
seventeen Ohio houses reputed to have had some kind
of subterranean hiding places for fugitive slaves. He
concluded that even though some of the buildings may
have housed escaping slaves in antebellum years, the
fugitives hid in barns, attics, or spare rooms, not in
underground hideaways.
Another myth is that absolute secrecy was necessary
in all Underground Railroad operations. Abolitionists
such as Levi Coffin, William Still, and Thomas Garrett
made no secret of their work aiding fugitives. Of these
three only Garrett, who lived in Delaware, a border
slave state, was arrested under the Fugitive Slave Law.
Obviously there were times when such activities had to
be carried out in secret, but reputations of abolitionists
generally were well known.
The legend of the Underground Railroad has taken
on a life of its own and become a major epic in Ameri-
can history. It recalls a time when white and black aboli-
tionists worked unselfishly together in the cause of
human freedom. Like all legends it is oversimplified,
whereas historical reality is complex. Sorting out fact
from fiction is the everyday work of historians. In the
next section of this book, two historians summarize
their current conclusions in essays about slavery and
the Underground Railroad.
Slavery Timeline
African slaves
arrive on North
American mainland
at Spanish colony
of St. Augustine
Africans arrive in
Virginia on Dutch ship;
slave trade intensifies
in latter part of 1 7th
Charles Mason and
Jeremiah Dixon sur-
vey Pennsylvania-
Maryland boundary;
in time, this marks di-
vision between slave
and free states.
Congress passes first
Fugitive Slave Law af-
firming Constitutional
rights of slaveholders
to their property.
Crispus Attucks is
killed by British sol-
diers in the Boston
United States
abolishes trade in
slaves from Africa.
First abolition society
fomns in Philadelphia.
Nat Turner leads slave
insurrection in Virginia.
William Lloyd Garrison
heads New England
Anti-Slavery Society;
Margaretta Forten
forms Female Anti-
Slavery Society in
Philadelphia; British
Parliament passes
Emancipation Act
freeing all slaves and
outlawing the slave
Vigilance committees
organize in Northern
cities to prevent re-
turn of fugitive slaves
to the South.
Slaves revolt on
Spanish ship
Amistad off Cuba.
Frederick Douglass's
first autobiography
is published.
Fugitive Slave Law
requires escapees be
returned; Hamet
Tubman begins help-
ing slaves escape via
Underground Railroad.
i35,00U SETS, 270,000 VOLUMES SOLO.
\> EmTI(l> mi TIIK MILLION, (IflI'LETK l> 1
l\ (KttMt.V IN I Ut. PlIHE »
IN ♦ »«(!(,. ILOTU. f PHTES, PHmV'
PUM EN FROM *«..«» TO Sjf
i ( RNTV
Harriet Beecher
Stowe's Uncle
Tom's Cabin pub-
Act allows territories
to choose to be slave
or free states.
U.S. Supreme Court's
Dred Scott Decision
rules that free blacks
and slaves are not
Abolitionist John
Brown raids U.S.
Armory at Harpers
Republican Abraham
Lincoln wins U.S.
Presidential election
in November; South
Carolina secedes
from Union in
Civil War begins as
Confederates attack
Fort Sumter in April;
Union declares
fugitive slaves as
contraband of war
in May.
Congress, in March,
abolishes slavery in
District of Columbia
and provides funds
for voluntary coloni-
zations; in May pro-
hibits slavery in terri-
tories; in July the
Second Confiscation
Act pennits military
to enlist blacks.
Lincoln's Emancipa-
tion Proclamation
takes effect, abolish-
ing slavery in Con-
federacy; Union
intensifies recruit-
ment of blacks as
Civil War ends in
April; Lincoln assas-
sinated; Thirteenth
Amendment to U.S.
Constitution outlaw-
ing slavery ratified in
ri. \ jT
From Bondage to Freedom
i *3®«f *!3£S?3R:'
'ataSfflrt*^'^'* rt i, , ,'.M
'Slavery Days was Hell...
It's bad to belong to folks dat
own you soul and body...."
— Delia Garlic, former slave
rffF^wfir • '(r^
rrd* >W
Slavery in
By Brenda E. Stevenson
Slavery, the institution and the people who were part of
it, has had tremendous and long-lasting influence on
American history and the American people. Common
perceptions of the slaves and slaveholders, shrouded in
mythology almost from the beginning, have changed
dramatically over time. But lingering notions of South-
em difference and black inferiority — both intimately
linked to slavery — still remain along with a host of
related questions about race and democracy. To study
the history of slavery in the United States, therefore, is
also to explore some of the fundamental questions that
confront Americans of every generation.
Africans came with the first Europeans to the Amer-
icas in exploratory and exploitative missions as seamen,
pirates, workers, and slaves. Scholars have documented
the presence of Africans on the expeditions of Colum-
bus to the Caribbean, Cortez to Mexico, Narvaez in
Florida, Cabeza de Vaca in the American Southwest,
Hawkins in Brazil, Balboa in the Pacific, Pizarro in
Peru, DeSoto in the North American Southeast, and
Jesuit missionaries in Canada.
The first Africans designated as slave laborers
arrived in the Caribbean in 1518. A century later, the
first blacks were brought to Jamestown, Virginia,
where, for the next few decades, they were given a sta-
tus similar to that of indentured servants.
Initially Europeans brought only small numbers of
Africans to the New World. However, as the need for
labor grew with expansions in agriculture, mining, and
other businesses, so, too, did the number of black slaves.
Brazil and the Caribbean had the largest numbers of
imports and for the longest span of time, with Brazil
and Cuba maintaining importation until the 1880s. Fig-
ures are imprecise, but over the period Brazil received
at least 4 million slaves; the French Caribbean, 1.6 mil-
lion; the Dutch Caribbean, 0.5 miUion; the English
Caribbean, 1.8 million; the Spanish Caribbean and
mainland colonies, 1.6 million; and those British main-
land colonies, subsequently the United States, 450,000.
Gradual emancipation in the
North did not free all slaves.
This bill of sale states that a
19-year-old slave named Flora,
depicted at left in an accompa-
nying cut-paper silhouette, was
sold for £25 in 1796 by Mar-
garet D wight to Asa Benjamin
in Connecticut. Flora died in
' //-.
• /j-^/r.
y y
1815. As with most slaves, little
is known about her life, but
more than likely she would
have agreed with Delia Garlic's
comment about slavery.
Preceding pages: Jerry
Pinkney's illustration evokes
the caution and watchfulness
that accompanied a successful
flight from bondage.
Atlantic Slave Trade
The slave trade across the At-
lantic followed a long history
of trade in people and goods
between Europe, Asia, and
Africa. Rivalries among Euro-
pean powers in the 1 500s and
1 600s sparked rapid exploit-
ation of the New World's min-
eral and agricultural resources
and initiated an intense and
destructive period of bonded
labor in the Americas. Africans
were traded, purchased, or
captured to work the gold and
silver mines of South and Cen-
tral America and the sugar
plantations of the Caribbean.
Under pressure from European
traders— first Spanish and Por-
tuguese, later Dutch, English,
and some French— the social
fabric and trade economy of
West and Central Africa
changed. Since Africans were
producers and frequently ex-
porters of cloth, omaments, and
iron products, the Europeans'
most valued trade goods were
guns, which were then used in
wars to acquire slaves. Of the
approximate 1 0 million Africans
shipped to the Western Hemi-
sphere, only 450,000 were taken
to what is now the United
Tribes or nations labeled in BLACK.
Areas of slave trade labeled in RED.
states, primarily between the
late 1600s and 1808, when the
U.S. banned the importation of
slaves from Africa. Captured
Africans were transported in
the holds of ships, such as that
of the Brookes shown below,
designed to utilize every inch
for human cargo. Up to 20 per-
cent did not survive the Atlantic
crossing. In North America, the
Africans might be sold individu-
ally at any ship dock, but most
were sold at the major port
cities of the Chesapeake Bay
and, later, Charleston, Savan-
nah, and New Orleans.
This early 20th-century photo-
graph from the Belgian Congo
of the internal African slave
;^ trade symbolizes the hor-
rors and persistence of
slavery— a counterpoint
to the brass depiction
of an African king.
Slavery in the New World began simply as one part
of a long history of international trade in goods and
people both in Europe and in Africa. Slavery devel-
oped differently in different colonies, but the institution
was recognizable. Many civilizations of the past had
embraced forced labor and every continent, including
the Americas and Africa, had witnessed it prior to the
initiation of the transatlantic slave trade in the 16th cen-
tury. Many blacks who arrived in the New World, there-
fore, were familiar with a system of labor known as
slavery. In Africa, slavery had been practiced in Algiers,
the Sudan, the Hausa city states, Zanzibar, and among
the Fulani and other ethnic groups, including the Wolot
Sherbro and Mende, the Temme, Ashanti, Yoruba, Kon-
go, Lozi, and Duala.
Their familiarity with the institution in their ancestral
homelands, however, did not diminish the horrors the
blacks were to encounter in the Americas. Slavery in
Africa usually was quite different from New World
forms. In Africa slaves usually were persons who had
been captured in war, although some were bom or sold
into bondage. Treatment often depended on the origin
of their status. Prisoners of war generally had a harsher
life. They could be sold and frequently were. Women
often were forced into concubinage. Some were even
sacrificed by victorious kings or rulers in religious cere-
monies. Others were held for many years, sometimes
through generations, and became part of the clan, or
extended family, and were treated as valued workers.
Native -bom slaves, on the other hand, customarily were
not sold and had some important privileges such as the
right to inherit property and to marry free people.
Indigenous African slavery seemed to be more con-
ducive to family stability and cohesiveness than the
American institutions. Some West African societies, for
example, forbade interference in a slave's marriage and
allowed slaves to buy their freedom and the freedom of
family members. Others forbade masters from having
sexual relations with their slaves' wives. Some freed
women when they gave birth. They also had greater
class mobility with some passing from slave status to
become soldiers and artisans.
Slavery in any society usually can be explained bet-
ter, however, through a discussion of the slave's restric-
tions rather than his or her privileges. Most precolonial
West African slaves could not become priests, hold
important religious posts, or visit sacred places or the
residence of the local chief. Some were not allowed to
dress as free persons, or marry or be buried near them.
Slavery in Africa, as elsewhere, was not a static insti-
tution. It changed drastically over time usually as a
response to cultural, economic, and military factors. The
invasions of North African Arabs in the 11th and 12th
centuries and the Europeans from the 16th through the
19th centuries caused great escalations in the numbers
enslaved and tremendous changes in the status and
function of the enslaved. The desire and, eventually, the
need of West Africans to trade with Europeans for
weapons and other prized goods prompted some Af-
ricans to get involved in the slave trade to such an
extent that they could no longer draw on their tradi-
tional reserves of slaves.
The Atlantic slave trade was dangerous, controver-
sial, and lucrative work. For Europeans in particular
the trade was extremely profitable. It was indeed the
foundation on which colonial agriculture and ship-
building and European mercantilism and industry
were built in the 17th and 18th centuries. The slave
trade also brought profits to African middlemen, or
caboceers, and the chiefs and rulers who traded their
gold, ivory, dyewoods, slaves, and foodstuffs for Euro-
pean weaponry, textiles, liquor, glass beads, and brass
rings. As greater demands from the New World made
the trade more lucrative, more and more slaves were
abducted through armed raids.
African villages, however, did not passively comply
with slave trading raids; they fought back. Famed Ibo
autobiographer Olaudah Equiano noted that the phe-
nomenon of enemies coming into his village to take
slaves was so prevalent during his childhood that often
the men and the women took weapons to the fields in
case of a surprise attack. "Even our women are war-
riors," Equiano recalled, "and march boldly out to fight
along with the men. Our whole district is a kind of mili-
tia." Other West Africans who had been harassed by
slave procurers went to the source of the problem
European traders, and attacked the company fortJ
Would-be slaves tried all kinds of ways to escape, som*
times sneaking away, getting help from people passing
by, overpowering the guard watching them, and com-
mitting suicide. Most of them did not escape, but th
did establish a tradition of resistance that followed the
slaves to the Americas.
Once they reached the forts on the coast, slavers
Masters and overseers pun-
ished slaves for insubordina-
tion, not working hard enough,
attempting to escape, inciting
other slaves to rebel, and
countless other infractions,
such as dropping a glass
of water A Louisiana slave
named Gordon, below, escaped
to Union lines in 1863, and
photographs of the welts and
scars on his back publicized
the horrors and violence of the
slave system. Some slaves, espe-
cially those who tried to escape,
were forced to wear bells, left,
on their arms, neck, or head.
Some were muzzled. Owners
occasionally branded their
slaves like cattle. The initials
and a heart, left, are one exam-
ple of a branding iron.
'The first object which saluted my eyes
when I arrived on the coast was the sea,
and a slave ship .... These filled me with
astonishment, which was soon converted
into terror."
— Olaiidah Eqidano
placed them in temporary holding pens known as bara-
coons. The capture and transport to baracoons was a
brutal experience physically and emotionally for the
Africans. Their greatest anxiety derived from their
fears — of their slavers, the slave ships, and their fate.
Olaudah Equiano's response probably was a typical
one. "The first object which saluted my eyes when I
arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship, which
was as then riding at anchor and waiting for its cargo,"
Equiano recalled. ''These filled me with astonishment,
which was soon converted into terror." He had entered
a completely different world. None of what he had
experienced, however, from the time of his capture to
his arrival on the coast in a slave coffle, had prepared
Equiano for the horrors of the Middle Passage, the trip
across the Atlantic Ocean.
Equiano did not know what to make of
these strange people who looked, spoke,
and behaved so differently from himself.
"I was now persuaded that I had got into
a world of bad spirits," he recalled, "and
that they were going to kill me. Their
complexions too differing so much from
ours, their long hair, and the language
they spoke, which was very different from
any I had ever heard, united to confirm
me in this belief.... [QJuite overpowered
with horror and anguish, I. ..fainted."
Conditions aboard the slave ships dur-
ing their voyages from Africa to America,
which could take three weeks to three
months, often were torture. Segregated by gender, the
blacks were chained together and packed so tightly that
they often were forced to lie on their sides in spoon
fashion. Clearances in ships' holds often were only two
to four feet high. During periods of good weather, the
slavers allowed the Africans on deck for sun and wash-
ing. In bad weather or because of some perceived
threat, they had to remain below, chained to one anoth-
er, lying in their own feces, urine, blood, and vomit.
"The floor of the rooms," one 18th-century ship observ-
er wrote, "was so covered with blood and mucus which
had proceeded from them in consequence of dysentery,
that it resembled a slaughter house." Both shipboard
personnel and American coasthne observers reported
that sometimes an approaching slave ship could be
smelled before it could be seen.
Olaudah Equiano, left, was
kidnapped from his I bo tribe
at age 11, enslaved in Africa,
and passed from slave trader
to trader In his autobiography,
below, first published in 1789,
Equiano wrote of the ''brutal
cruelty " he saw aboard a slave
ship and of his years in bond-
age as a seaman between Vir-
ginia, England, and Barbados.
He eventually bought his free-
dom and became an abolition-
ist. Facing an uncertain future
like Equiano, young boys hud-
dle together in an illustration,
lower left, from an 1857 issue of
The Illustrated London News.
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More than 200 attempts at on-board slave mutinies
are documented. Slaves also resisted through hunger
strikes, violent outbursts, refusal to cooperate, and sui-
cide. Mortality rates varied greatly: sometimes as low as
10 percent, rarely as high as 100 percent. Still, it is esti-
mated that several million Africans died before they
ever reached the Americas.
The first blacks to arrive in the British colony of Vir-
ginia reportedly came in 1619. The previous summer
the English ship Treasurer left Virginia to acquire salt,
goats, and other provisions. Shortly thereafter, it came
into contact with a Dutch man-of-war, and the two ves-
sels sailed on together. They "happened upon" a Span-
ish frigate carrying slaves and other cargo. They seized
the Spanish vessel and divided the cargo between them.
Exactly how many Africans the Spanish ship was carry-
ing we do not know, but the Dutch ship took on 100 and
sailed back to Jamestown after becoming separated
from the Treasurer. By the time it arrived in Jamestown
in August 1619, there were 20 Africans aboard; the oth-
er 80 had died at sea. The Treasurer eventually reached
Jamestown, too, with one African. The others — perhaps
as many as 29 — had been sold in Bermuda. From that
point, Virginia's black population grew slowly but
steadily; there were 300 blacks in 1649 and 2,000, or five
percent of the population, by 1671.
The first Africans in Virginia, however, had an uncer-
tain status. Slavery was not a formal, legalized institu-
tion in the colony until the 1660s, and subsequent laws
made slavery more inescapable for more Africans as
larger numbers of them began to arrive. The system's
increasing presence can be attributed to numerous con-
ditions. Most important, indentures did not keep pace
with the growing needs for labor. Colonial administra-
tors also actively encouraged black slavery, extending
in 1635 the headright system, which rewarded those
who imported persons to the colonies with 50 acres of
Virginia land for each person so imported, to also
include those who sponsored the arrival of blacks. At
about the same time, there was a belief that blacks,
unlike Europeans or the indigenous peoples, could
work in the hot Southern sun and that they had a natur-
al immunity to diseases like malaria and yellow fever.
Moreover, the rise of the Company of Royal Adventur-
ers Trading to Africa and its later merger with the Roy-
al African Company guaranteed mainland planters
greater access to slave imports. By the end of the 17th
century, therefore, increasing numbers of slaves were
entering Virginia and other colonies. Soon they were
even the majority in many of Virginia's tidewater and
Southside counties (those south of the James River).
By 1750, they numbered more than 101,000 in Virginia
while whites numbered 130,000.
By the 1670s, Africans lived in all of the British main-
land colonies. Slaves were mentioned in Maryland's
official documents by 1638, and the colony legally for-
malized the institution in 1663. The Lords Proprietors
of CaroHna, four of whom were members of the Royal
African Company, expected slavery to play an impor-
tant role in that colony's economic development and
guaranteed its practice even before settlement. They,
too, offered economic inducements for slave importa-
tion through the headright system. By 1710, the black
population of 4,100 in what would become South Car-
olina almost equaled that of the whites. When the
colony separated in 1729, South Carolina had 10,000
whites and 20,000 slaves while North Carolina had
30,000 whites and 6,000 slaves.
Georgia was late to embrace the institution. It legally
banned slavery at the colony's founding, but, at the
behest of settlers who saw slavery flourishing in neigh-
boring South Carolina, Georgia repealed the prohibi-
tion in 1750. Advertisements in the colony's Gazette
soon read like so many others of the era: "To be Sold on
Thursday next, at publick vendue. Ten Likely Gold
Coast New Negroes. Just imported from the West
Indies, consisting of eight stout men and two women."
Blacks were slaves in the Dutch colony of New
Netherlands long before the British took over the
colony in 1664 and renamed it New York. Slaves from
Angola and Brazil routinely worked the farms of the
Hudson River Valley even though the British did not
legalize the institution until 1684. By the end of the 17th
century, only slightly more than 2,000 were in the
colony, but by 1771 the 20,000 slaves made up nearly 12
percent of New York residents.
New Jersey under the Swedish and Dutch had few
slaves, but that changed once the British gained control
of the colony in 1664 and, as in South Carolina and Vir-
ginia, offered land incentives for the importation of
Africans. By 1745, New Jersey had 4,600 slaves in a total
population of about 61,000.
Bondage fell on less fertile ground in Pennsylvania,
where Quakers, for moral reasons, and artisans, on eco-
^: Slave Uprisings
Slaveholders constantly
feared slave insurrections. To
curb plots, Southern states
passed laws intended to intel-
lectually and physically isolate
slaves and instituted prac-
tices that robbed them of
their dignity. Despite dozens
of conspiracies, few rebellions
occurred. Three events that
received widespread publicity
were Gabriel's Conspiracy and
Nat Turner's Revolt, both of
which led to intensified re-
strictions, and the Amistad
mutiny. In 1800, Gabriel and
about 30 other blacks con-
spired to take hostages and
public buildings in Richmond,
Virginia, and to negotiate
freedom for the slaves. The
plot was betrayed before it
was implemented. Testimony
at the trials of the conspira-
tors persuaded Virginians that
insurrection was a daily possi-
bility. But it was not until Au-
gust 22, 1 831 , that Nat Turner,
below, and five other slaves
initiated a rebellion in South-
ampton County, Virginia. Turn-
er's followers grew to about 60
as they traveled through the
countryside killing at least 57
white men, women, and chil-
dren. Over several days the
conspirators, and many
blacks not involved, were shot
or captured. Turner eventually
was caught and executed,
as were 1 6 of his followers.
Another insurrection involved
the Spanish slave ship Ami-
stad, right, which was off the
coast of Cuba in June 1 839
when 53 Africans freed them-
selves and, led by Joseph
Cinque, far right, demanded
that they be taken back to Af-
rica. The crew, however, sailed
the ship up the U.S. coast. The
mutineers were captured by
an American ship and put on
trial in Connecticut. The court
been illegally captured and
sold and had a right to rebel,
an opinion upheld by the
United States Supreme Court,
nomic principle, opposed any increases in slavery.
Before William Penn received his land grant, however,
the Dutch had imported African slaves. And there
always were those who wanted slave labor as eagerly as
the Royal African Company wanted to sell slaves. The
conflict was symbolized by the tax placed on slave
imports by Pennsylvania: a duty of 20 shillings for every
African imported in 1700 was doubled in 1705. When
the colony's Assembly passed another law in 1712 that
completely outlawed the importation of blacks, the
Royal African Company persuaded the Privy Council
in England to nullify the law. By 1750, Pennsylvania had
approximately 11,000 slaves, most of whom were living
in Philadelphia.
The New England colonies imported fewer slaves
than the Middle or Southern colonies, but African slav-
ery also was a part of their economy and culture. By
1715, there were approximately 2,000 slaves in Massa-
chusetts and 1,500 in Connecticut. During the early
1770s, on the eve of the American Revolution, Rhode
Island boasted a slave population of almost 3,800 while
New Hampshire had only 654 slaves in a total popula-
tion of about 62,000.
Unlike voluntary immigrants, Africans did not leave
or arrive in family groups. They also had little opportu-
nity to form family groups for several years after their
arrival, because a typical cargo included twice as many
males as females. Strangers in a foreign land, forced to
comprehend a new language spoken by people who
looked and behaved so differently from themselves,
confronted with racism, sexism, hunger, epidemics,
back-breaking work quotas, and harsh corporal punish-
ment, these first few Africans spread thinly throughout
the colonies undoubtedly suffered great emotional and
physical distress. Slave owners conducted a general
"seasoning" aimed at acclimating "outlandish" Africans
so they might know their "place" and function appro-
priately in the system. Slave responses to this process
varied tremendously. Even those Africans who lived
with numerous other blacks might need anywhere from
two years for minimal "seasoning" to four years for
learning a functional Creole language. For many, it took
an entire lifetime or generations to reconcile their
African cultural heritage and perspectives with their
new lives as slaves in America.
Agricultural labor was not foreign to them. Slaves
performed a number of diverse tasks from the very
beginning of their presence on the North American
mainland, but most were farm workers. Rising early in
the morning to the sound of an overseer or driver blow-
ing a horn and working until nightfall for five and one-
half to six days a week, slaves planted, grew, harvested,
and helped to ready crops for local, domestic, and inter-
national markets.
In colonial Virginia and North Carolina, they raised
tobacco, com, wheat, and other grains, grew vegetables,
and raised livestock. South Carolina piedmont slaves
produced tobacco, com, and indigo. Those along the
coastal plain of that colony and Georgia used their rice-
growing skills they brought from their native African
societies to reap great fortunes for their owners.
In the Northern and Middle colonies their labor was
more diverse because of the shorter growing season.
They mostly worked on small farms, dairy farms, and
cattle-raising estates. They cultivated vegetables, tended
livestock, and served as house slaves. Others worked in
shipbuilding and mercantile enterprises and as artisans
of one sort or another.
The development of black slavery as an institution
and racism as an underlying ideology progressed with
little public opposition or even debate until the era of
the AJmerican Revolution. But this opposition, much of
it disparate and disorganized, did yield results and did
change the character of slavery by the end of the Revo-
lutionary period. First, and perhaps most important,
slavery had become a Southem phenomenon. Slavery
was abolished or gradually eliminated through mea-
sures created in 1780 in Pennsylvania, in 1783 in Massa-
chusetts, in 1784 in Connecticut and Rhode Island, in
1785 in New York, and in 1786 in New Jersey. In 1787,
Congress prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.
Scores of slaves were freed in the Upper South after
the American Revolution, and the colonization of
blacks in the Caribbean or West Africa was being enter-
tained as a viable "solution" to the problem of free
blacks in a society that embraced black slavery.
Slavery had changed with the American Revolution,
but dependence on slave agricultural labor was grow-
ing rapidly in the Southem states. The profitable culti-
vation and ginning of short staple cotton made possible
by the cotton gin in 1793, the expansion of U.S. territory
in the Lower South and Southwest and West, and slave
labor fueled an economic boom that lasted until the
Civil War. It made an extremely small portion of South-
Slaves in Charleston, South
Carolina, had to wear tags that
identified their skill, such as
carpenter or mechanic, and the
year that the tag was issued.
After 1848, free blacks in
Charleston also had to wear
tags declaring their status (see
page 37).
5ft-.^-.i.«Vjr "^
Male and female slaves, includ-
ing children, worked side by
side in the fields raising and
harvesting such crops as tobac-
co and cotton, as in this paint-
ing by Jerry Pinkney. Often one
black male was singled out to
be the driver, or leader, to make
sure the crew carried out its
tasks. He might be given certain
privileges, such as a larger cabin
and finer clothing than the oth-
ers received. Some slaves, most-
ly women, worked in the mas-
ter's house as cooks, maids, or.
like the Louisiana black at
upper left, nursemaids caring
for the young white children.
Although household slaves
worked under better conditions
than field hands, they constantly
were under the watchful eyes of
the master and mistress and had
little privacy. Sometimes field
hands were brought into the
house or domestic workers
were sent to the fields. All
worked long, hard hours.
ern society extremely wealthy and powerful, perhaps
more so than any other group in the young nation.
Cotton was king. National production of raw cotton,
a major U.S. export to Europe, increased 921 percent,
from 349,000 bales in 1819 to 3.2 million in 1855. This
explosion in production led to an insatiable demand for
slaves, particularly in the Deep South. Between 1820
and 1860, the number of slaves increased by 257 per-
cent, to nearly four million. At the same time, the con-
centration of Southern blacks was shifting dramatically
from the Upper to the Lower South. For instance, the
slave population of the Lower South increased 34 per-
cent from 1850 to 1860 while in the Upper South it rose
only 9.7 percent.
The labor that slaves performed greatly influenced
the quahty of their lives. With few exceptions, men and
women generally did the same kind of field work. The
slave Austin Steward, for example, noted that on the
plantation on which he worked "it was usual for men
and women to work side by side.. .and in many kinds of
work, the women were compelled to do as much as the
men." Some males did perform more physically strenu-
ous work, and few females held supervisory roles, such
as driver, that males routinely occupied. Women,
nonetheless, usually worked longer hours, spinning,
weaving, nursing, and cooking for their owners once
their field work was over, then doing all their own child
care and domestic chores in the slave quarters.
Male slaves fared better materially than their female
counterparts. When distributing food rations, slavehold-
ers rarely gave females as much meat, meal, or other
items as they gave males. Since slave women usually
lived with their children and had to share some of their
smaller portion with them, a mother's food allotment
was especially sparse. Some fathers who lived away
from their wives and children may have put aside part
of their food allowance for their families, but owners
did not compel them to do so. Similarly, the long pants,
shirts, jackets, and other clothing that masters provided
male slaves twice a year were much more appropriate
for bending, stooping, and repelling insects endemic to
field labor than the skirts and dresses females had to
wear. Slave owners might have expected women to
work as hard as men, but they were unwiUing to pro-
vide women with equal material support.
While the vast majority of slaves worked in the fields,
up to ten percent of them were occupied otherwise. In
Slaves, such as these shown in
the 1860s on a South Carolina
plantation, spent late evening
hours and Sundays outside
their quarters tending to their
own domestic chores. They
held religious meetings and
dance parties often out of sight
and hearing of whites. J. Antro-
bus's painting shows a burial
service in Louisiana. Events
like these strengthened a sense
of community and helped to
blend varied African traditions
into an African-American cul-
ture. One symbol of that cul-
ture was the mbanza, below
right, made out of a gourd and
animal skin. By the 1800s, this
African musical instrument
had evolved into the American
banjo played by both blacks
and whites.
Free Blacks
)me free perso.
always among the Africans in
North America. European ship
crews included Africans who
stayed on the continent, and
some Africans brought to
labor in North America used
their skills or the uncertainty
of laws to gain their freedom.
Beginning In the 1 640s, the
legal net supporting lifetime
Indenture tightened and few
Africans could claim a right to
freedom by the end of the
1600s. In the 1700s, the slave
population grew rapidly
through importation and birth,
but the free black population
grew through natural increase,
ters, self-
purchase, and some success-
ful escapes. Free blacks mar-
ried both slaves and other free
blacks, Native Americans,
West Indians, and sometimes
European servants. In 1770,
Crispus Attucks, a longtime
runaway, was killed by the
British soldiers during the
Boston Massacre. During the
American Revolution, many
African Americans fled to the
British side or joined the patri-
ot cause in search of freedom.
Some who served in the Con-
tinental Army were freed, and
the doctrines of liberty and
human rights, so prominent in
the rtietoric of the Revolution,
caused the Northern states to
abolish the slave trade and
begin gradual emancipation
while the Upper South made
individual emancipations easi-
er. In these regions, the num-
ber of free blacks doubled or
tripled or more between the
adoption of the U.S. Constitu-
tion in 1 787 and the War of
1 81 2. But the prosperity of
Lower South slaveholders and
the fear that free blacks would
undermine the rationale for
slavery terminated emancipa-
tions in the South. In the
1 800s, free blacks increased
in number through births and
self-purchase. Northem free
blacks tended to live in cities
were greater, while Southern
free blacks were both rural
and urban. By 1 861 , free-
black communities could be
found throughout the United
States. The 1 860 census re-
vealed 3,953,760 slaves and
488,070 free blacks. The free
blacks Included, from left:
Benjamin Banneker, who
compiled six almanacs and .:
helped survey the District of
Columbia's boundaries in |
1 791 ; Isaac Jefferson of M
ticello. who later moved to ,
Ohio; Tom Molineaux, who
gained his freedom by defeat-
ing other slaves at tx)xing; ]
and an unknown woman.
. lished 1783
mancipatioL .^^atxtl^ed 1783
^^9t ^m ItAdde island
'^ ^^ gradual emancipation
gradual emancipation 1784
iual emancipation 1786
Slavery was permitted throughout
the 13 original colonies. Between
1780 and 1786, some states (white
labels) either abolisiied slavery or al-
lowed for gradual emancipation. By
1860, only 1 5 (black labels) of the 33
states permitted slavery. It was not
permitted in the Northwest Territory
(Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wis-
consin, and a part of Minnesota).
Slavery was also not allowed in Cali-
fornia and Oregon. In the other terri-
tories the issue was left to local
decision, a constant source of politi-
cal tension and national division.
urban settings, females worked as waitresses, washer-
women, midwives, domestics, and in factory mainte-
nance. Male slaves had more access to skilled positions
and exclusively held the more lucrative and prestigious
jobs of blacksmith, cooper, painter, wheelwright, car-
penter, tanner, joiner, cobbler, miner, and seaman.
Slaves began working at about age six or sometimes
earlier if they seemed physically mature. Boys tradi-
tionally learned how to herd and tend livestock, pick up
trash and stones, gather moss and other grasses, and
carry water. Girls did similar tasks but also helped care
for young children and worked in the kitchen. Both
boys and girls picked fruit, nuts, and berries, pulled
weeds and worms, and occasionally served as compan-
ions for their master's young children. Childhood was a
time when slaves began to learn not only work routines
but work discipline and related punishment.
Slaveholding women usually were in charge of disci-
plining slave children who worked in and around their
master's home. One ex-slave interviewed in 1841 stated
that whenever his mistress did not like his work she
would hit him with tongs or a shovel, pull his hair, pinch
his ears until they bled, or order him to sit in a comer
and eat dry bread until he almost choked. George Jack-
son recalled that his mistress scolded and beat him
when he was pulling weeds. "I pulled a cabbage stead of
weed," he confessed. "She would jump me and beat me.
I can remember cryin'. She told me she had to learn me
to be careful...." These kinds of "lessons" hardly ceased
as a slave matured.
Slaves young and old had to complete their assigned
tasks satisfactorily to escape punishment. Such reprisals
usually meant verbal abuse for small offenses, but own-
ers, overseers, and drivers did not hesitate to impose
severe floggings and public humiliation or even sell
those who did not or would not complete tasks or were
disrespectful to authority figures. "Beat women! Why
sure he beat women," former slave Elizabeth Sparks
exclaimed. "Beat women jes' lak men." Slaves were
stripped of their clothing, faced against a tree or wall,
tied down or made to hang from a beam, their legs
roped together with a rail or board between them, and
severely beaten. The beatings provided owners and
overseers with a vehicle to both chastise and symboli-
cally strip slaves of their personal pride and integrity
while invoking terrifying images of the master's power.
For slaves, the worst punishment imaginable was to
be sold away from one's family and friends. This phe-
nomenon was tied more to economic variables than the
owner's need to punish or chastise "troublesome"
slaves. Amanda Edmonds recalled the regret she felt
when watching her family's slaves sold to pay off debts
after her father's death. "I know servants are aggravat-
ing sometimes and [you] wish they were in Georgia,"
she confessed in her diary, "but when I see the
poor.. .and sometimes faithful, ones torn away so, I can-
not help feeling for them."
The dramatic shift in slave concentrations from the
Upper to the Lower South and Southwest brought dev-
astating consequences in the domestic lives of slaves.
Hundreds of thousands lost husbands, wives, sons,
daughters, other kin. and friends to this internal slave
trade. Would-be slaveholders regularly attended public
sales for slaves that usually were held in a town square,
on the front steps of the local courthouse or sometimes
at the slave trader's place of business.
Owners who wished to sell slaves usually brought
them to town a few days before the auction and tem-
porarily kept them in the county jail as a security pre-
caution. Prospective buyers or their representatives
went to the jail to examine slaves, who sat there miser-
ably contemplating their fate and what might happen
to family members and friends.
The despair was tremendous. One slave imprisoned
in Bruin's jail in Alexandria, Virginia, wrote a desperate
plea to her free black mother who worked as a laun-
dress in New York City. 'Aunt Sally and all of her chil-
dren, and Aunt Hagar and all her children are sold, and
grandmother is almost crazy," Emily Russell wrote in
January 1850, and she, too, would be sold if her mother
did not soon raise enough money to purchase her. "O
mother! my dear mother! come now and see your dis-
tressed and heart-broken daughter once more. Mother!
my dear mother! do not forsake me, for I feel desolate!
Please to come now." The young woman eventually was
sold to a long-distance slave trader for $1,200, but she
died on the way to the "fancy girl" prostitution market
in New Orleans.
Unfortunately, slave owners often benefitted from
and thus were willing to instigate or ignore the
tragedies that crippled a slave family's emotional and
physical well-being. Even the sexual abuse of slave
mothers and daughters often meant a financial gain for
owners, who could claim as their property the children
Posters in all major U.S. ports
announced the arrival of slave
ships and advertised auctions.
Because of crowded and dirty
conditions aboard ship, many
of the slaves were sickly and
weak when they arrived and
were sold. Auctions continued
after the end of legal importa-
tion, and a great fear of many
African -A merican family
members, such as these in Eyre
Crowe s 1852-53 painting,
Slave Market in Richmond,
Virginia, was to be separated
from each other
\ ! FOK
A CaRCO Ot ctry ftouSMcn and
Women, in good order ctkd fit for
immediate fervict^fast import*
from the Winduord Coofi of Af-
rica, in i|r Ship Two BtOTHtRS
Con Jifjons are one haff Cafh or
rrodu^-cfthc other half patfoble the
firft of January neit, gicing Bond
and Security if required.
who might result since slave children derived their sta-
tus from their mothers. Likewise, the domestic slave
trade broke up families and extended kin networks. The
loss of spouses and family members came to be so great
in the Upper South that many children in the last slave
generations grew up without the benefit of their moth-
ers or fathers.
Despite the devastating impact of slave life on black
kinship, the family was the slaves' most important sur-
vival tool. It flourished not so much because of its stabil-
ity but its flexibility. The extended family of persons
related by blood, marriage, and long-standing familial-
like contact was its most persistent and essential charac-
teristic. When fathers disappeared in the domestic slave
trade, uncles and grandfathers often took on a paternal
role for children left behind. Grandmothers and aunts
nurtured, fed, and socialized motherless children.
Young adults cared for the elderly whose children had
been sold away. Extended kin did not replace husbands
or wives lost forever to the Deep South but did offer
some measure of comfort. Some slaves chose to remar-
ry, and others were compelled by their owners to find
another spouse to continue to have children who would
become slaves.
Slave marriages were not recognized legally, but the
weddings and commitments of African Americans were
important events for slave families and communities.
Georgianna Gibbs remembered that when the slaves
on her farm married they had to "jump over a broom
three times" before they actually were considered mar-
ried. Some owners performed a brief service; others
relied on slave or local ministers to officiate. A spirited
celebration attended by family and friends usually fol-
lowed with music, food, and dancing that often lasted
most of the night.
Religion, dance, music, and food were vital aspects of
the slaves' cultural life and exhibited traits drawn from
their ancestral past in West Africa and their experiences
in America. While many slaves converted to Christiani-
ty, especially as Baptists and Methodists, others held
onto their Islamic faith and other religious rituals and
beliefs derived from Africa. Like so much of slave cul-
ture, the rehgion in the quarters often was created from
both sources. African traditions appeared in their musi-
cal instruments, medicines, and domestic wares, such as
textiles, baskets, containers, and buttons. African slaves
also helped introduce various West African foods like
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millet, groundnut, benne, gourds, congo peas, and yams
to America. Scholars have documented that the slaves'
reliance on their own cultural references often allowed
them to control aspects of their lives and withstand the
psychological inhumanity of enslavement.
From the perspective of the slave, however, life was
not experienced in this scholarly fashion. Slave life
meant hard work, poor rations, sometimes brutal beat-
ings, lost families, and illness. It also meant marriage on
negotiated terms, but marriage nonetheless, and chil-
dren who learned how to appreciate their kin, com-
munities of friends, and, between hard times, laughter,
pride, romance, song, dance, and God.
In a rare early photograph of
slave life in the South, Timothy
O 'Sullivan 5 1862 image shows
five generations of one slave
family on a Sea Island planta-
tion near Beaufort, South Car-
olina, shortly after the Union
army had liberated the island.
Christian Mayr's 1838 painting
depicts a slave wedding at
White Sulphur Springs, Vir-
ginia, now West Virginia.
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ClS-23- H13)
The Underground
By C. Peter Ripley
During the decades preceding the Civil War, when the
United States struggled to define itself, no issue more
divided and plagued its people than slavery. Even
among those who had doubts about its morality, slavery
was debated as part of a complex set of interlocking
philosophical, social, economic, and political concerns
too difficult to resolve and too intertwined with the fate
of the nation to consider abolishing.
Yet in the midst of such moral confusion and political
failure, black Americans, slave and free, aided by white
allies, operated an illegal network determined to strike
at slavery by helping those trapped in bondage. Hunted
by the federal government, disapproved of by the
Northern majority, and despised by the slaveholding
South, the Underground Railroad served the nation as
the exacting conscience of the most important reform
movement in US. history — purging the land of slavery.
The Underground Railroad is one of American his-
tory's mysterious creations. It adopted such terms as
'"conductors," "stations,'' "routes," "cargoes," "pack-
ages," and "passengers" as suitable for its work even
though it had no literal association with railroading; and
"underground" was a fitting, and tantalizing, way to
describe its activities, which were clandestine and ille-
gal, best carried out away from the bright light of public
examination. As a formal term, it refers to the move-
ment of African- American slaves escaping out of the
South and to the allies who assisted them in their search
for freedom. Sharing nothing more than language and ,
imagery with the steam technology of the day, the
Underground Railroad is one of history's finest sym-
bols of the struggle against oppression.
This movement of freedom-seeking slaves resists
precise characterization even though it functioned from
the founding of the Republic through the terrible
bloodletting of the Civil War. It involved lone individu-
als and entire communities; defied conventions of race,
class, culture, and gender; devised bold methods of
escape; and was the scene of great human triumphs and
Harriet Tubman stands out
as the icon of the Underground
Railroad. The ''Moses of her
people'' was born into slavery
about 1820 in Dorchester
County, Maryland. She was
named Araminta Ross but was
called Harriet by her owner
In danger of being sold away
from her husband, John Tub-
man, and her extended family,
she escaped alone in 1848 to
Philadelphia. She returned to
Maryland's Eastern Shore area
about 20 times and led more
than 300 runaways to freedom.
During the Civil War, she re-
turned to the United States
from Saint Catharines, Cana-
da, where she had settled, and
served in the Union Army as a
nurse, spy, and scout. Tubman
died in 1913 at age 93.
awful disappointments. But at its center it embodied
the nation's leading principle: the quest for freedom.
In its broadest definition, the Underground Railroad
included every slave who made the difficult and dan-
gerous journey out of bondage, those thousands of men
and women whose names are lost to history, and those
fugitive slaves such as Frederick Douglass who became
well-known leaders; countless other slaves who offered
food, directions, and secrecy to runaways on the route
to freedom; the occasional brave soul who made
repeated trips into the South to guide slaves to the
North, risking jail and perhaps death; and a secret net-
work of fugitive slaves, free blacks, and whites of con-
science who organized themselves to assist and protect
the fleeing slaves. These blacks and whites served as
"conductors" for their slave "passengers" and "car-
goes" who were given sanctuary in the homes and
farms and businesses that served as "stations" along the
many escape "routes."
The experience of fugitive slaves WiUiam and Ellen
Craft suggests the dramatic mix of individual initiative
and organized assistance that often characterized the
operation of the Underground Railroad. In December
1848, the Crafts waited at the Macon, Georgia, train
station to board the Savannah-bound train. Both slaves,
both illiterate, owned by different masters, the Crafts
were poised to embark on a resourceful and daring
escape to the North.
Ellen, the daughter of her master and one of his
female slaves, was so light-skinned she posed as a frail,
white slave owner. She carried her arm in a sHng, cov-
ered her lower face with a poultice, hid her eyes behind
dark green glasses, and wore a top hat to certify her
assumed identity as a male. William played the role of
the attentive slave accompanying the sickly master to
Philadelphia in search of medical treatment. Traveling
by train to Savannah, where they stopped overnight,
then by steamer and another train to Baltimore, the
Crafts experienced anxious moments among curious
passengers and near discovery by railroad agents.
But on the Crafts' Baltimore train there also was a
knowing free black passenger. Sensing that William
might be a slave seeking freedom, the free black sug-
gested that William contact a certain Quaker when he
arrived in Philadelphia, and with that suggestion the
guiding hand of the Underground Railroad touched
the Crafts. Arriving at the Philadelphia train station.
Ellen clasped William's arm and said, "Thank God we
are safe." The two exhausted fugitives then sought out
that Philadelphia Quaker, who fed, housed, comforted,
and kept them safe until it was time to conduct them to
Boston, where the Crafts ended their 1,000-mile flight
to freedom.
While the Crafts' story is documented as fact, the
Underground Railroad is steeped in potent mythology,
particularly the idea of a steady stream of brave con-
ductors leaving a free state to make repeated trips into
the South to guide slaves to freedom. That image is
strong and the idea is grand, but such a dangerous oper-
ation was not the main work of the Underground Rail-
road except for such uncommon individuals as Harriet
Tubman. After escaping from Maryland slavery in 1848,
Tubman made nearly 20 trips into the South over the
next decade to lead some 300 slaves to freedom. Tub-
man's heroic achievements earned her the respect and
support of the Northern antislavery community and the
fury of Maryland's planters, who so feared her they
offered a $40,000 reward for her capture.
The actual starting date of the Underground Rail-
road could be fairly set when the first slave struck out
for a free territory and the first person conspired to
offer assistance. Perhaps it was a Georgia slave fleeing
south to find protection among the Seminoles or in the
Spanish settlements of Florida; or a Virginia slave who
left the plantation aided by a local free black or other
slaves who provided directions, food, a hiding place,
and best wishes; or a post-Revolutionary War slave who
crossed over the border from New York State into
Canada as thousands of other blacks would do in the
decades ahead.
As early as 1786 George Washington complained
about trying to capture one of his fugitives from south-
central Pennsylvania, "where it is not easy to appre-
hend them because there are a great number [of people
there] who would rather facilitate their escape... than
apprehend the runaway." The area along the Susque-
hanna River had attracted a number of former Virginia
slaves who had gained their freedom by legal measures.
Over the years, their numbers grew, and their commu-
nity gained a reputation as a safe haven for slaves flee-
ing the South.
The rights of George Washington and his fellow
slaveholders were recognized from the moment of the
nation's creation by the U.S. Constitution, by federal
One of the most dramatic
escapes was made by Ellen
Craft, shown at left with
and without her disguise, and
her husband William, below.
As they traveled from Georgia
to Philadelphia, she posed as
a white male seeking medical
attention, and he played the
loyal servant. The Crafts then
moved on to Boston; they fled
to England after the Fugitive
Slave Law of 1850 was passed.
The couple returned to Geor-
gia after the Civil War and con-
verted a plantation to a f reed-
men 5 school.
Routes to Freedom
-' "^^^i- ■ '
Runaway slaves escaped to
the North using a loose net-
work of routes through the
Southern border states.
Those traveling in the East
headed to such places as
Boston. Others fled into Ohio,
Illinois, and Michigan. Some
fugitives continued on to
Canada, where slavery was
outlawed and where officials
refused U.S. requests for their
return. Still others fled south
to Florida and the Caribbean
^ or into Texas and on to Mexi-
^: CO. Thomas Moran's 1862
painting, Slave Hunt, below,
shows slaves fleeing through
a swampy area. Most fugitives
traveled on foot at night and
hid by day in woods and
swamps, along streams and
of free blacks and abolition-
ists. Some used small boats,
hid in the backs of wagons, or
stowed away on ships. Others
devised unusual schemes.
Henry Brown, right, had a
shoemaker build a wooden
box 2 feet wide, 3 feet long,
and 2 feet 8 inches deep in
which he had himself shipped
by rail from Richmond, Vir-
ginia, to Philadelphia. He
became known as "Box"
Brown on the antislavery lec-
ture circuit. In a less publi-
cized but equally daring
escape, Lear Green had her-
self shipped to Philadelphia in
a sailor's chest. All fugitives
hiding from slave catchers as
they moved from place to
place not knowing what they
might find for shelter and -.,
nourishment. But most did^ y
not publicize what they had****^-
done, so as not to endanger ' ' "^
subsequent fugitives. i
\ Negro Man named Ben,
Calling himself BEX. THOMAS. — On the day he absromled, by means pf false keys, lie^ppen-"
Approximate route of flight
Free state
Slave state
Territories where slavery
permitted by local decision
n ■ -.,
• 'C-'--±
M" * /
• :^ '
^ ..
One Fugitive's Story
James Lindsey Smith's story
about his escape from slavery
illustrates the trials and tribula-
tions fugitives endured in their
convoluted treks. On Sunday,
May6, 1838, Smith left (1)
Heathsville, Virginia, at night
with two others, Lorenzo and
Zip. By canoe, they fled across
the Coan River, took a small
boat and sailed to just south of
(2) Frenchtown, Maryland,
where they started on foot
toward New Castle, Delaware.
Smith became exhausted, but
Lorenzo and Zip pushed on
because "our enemies are after
us." After resting, Smith "took
fresh courage and pressed...
onward towards the north with
anxious heart." Early Wednes-
day morning he heard a great
rumbling. "I shook from head
to foot as the monster came
rushing on towards me." He
escaped up an embankment
from "the devil," a train. Trem-
bling, hungry, and thinking "the
patrol lers were after me on
horseback," he moved on and
came upon a house where he
asked a white woman for food.
Invited in, he "ate up most
everything she put on the
table" and paid her 25 cents.
He walked on to (3) New Cas-
tle, where he met up with
Lorenzo and Zip. Astonished
they had not been captured,
they bought tickets and took a
steamboat to (4) Philadelphia.
Leaving Lorenzo and Zip, who
were heading to Europe, Smith
met a black man named Simp-
son, who secreted him in a little
room after Smith finally admit-
ted being a fugitive. Simpson
met with some abolitionists,
who decided to send Smith to
Springfield, Massachusetts. On
Friday, he left by steamboat for
(5) New York with a letter to
abolitionist David Ruggles. "I
gave Ruggles the letter, and we
had a great time rejoicing
together" On Monday, with let-
ters for a Mr. Foster in Hartford
and a Dr Osgood in Springfield,
Smith went to buy a steamboat
ticket. He had been told the fare
was $2, but the ticket clerk now
said it was $3. "He "robbed me
of every cent I had," $2.58. "I
felt very much depressed....!
was out of money and among
strangers," but a waiter buoyed
his spirits by giving him "an
excellent supper." On Tuesday,
he reached (6) Hartford, found
Foster, who "raised three dollars
for my benefit," and headed by
steamboat to (7) Springfield.
X > O Springfield
Hartford Q \Q Norwich
Heathsville O
Q Frenchtown
He located Osgood, a Presby-
terian minister, whose "family
gathered around me to listen to
my thrilling narrative of escape."
Smith settled in the area, at-
tended school, became a shoe-
maker and a preacher, married,
and eventually settled in (8)
Norwich, Connecticut. His full
story appears in the book Five
Black Lives.
100 Kilometers
0 100 Miles
Travel by steamboat
Travel by foot
Free state
Slave state
and state laws, and by Southern custom and tradition,
all of which made service or travel on the Underground
Railroad dangerous and illegal. The Constitution guar-
anteed property rights, including ownership of slaves,
each of whom the South was able to count as three-
fifths of a person for the sake of representation in Con-
gress. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 enforced those
slaveholding rights and provided swift and simple pro-
cedures for slave owners or their agents to return into
bondage any black person accused or even suspected of
being a runaway slave. The accused possessed no right
to an attorney or to a jury trial, and slave owners had
but to state an oral claim of ownership to make their
case before a magistrate. Anyone assisting or interfer-
ing with the arrest of a fugitive slave was subject to a
$500 fine. Congress's way of acknowledging the exis-
tence and power of the Underground Railroad.
Southern state laws were even harsher, stipulating
heavier fines and hard-labor jail time for anyone con-
victed of helping a slave on the run. And Southerners
estabUshed rigid controls over slave behavior as a
means of keeping them from freedom's trail. Plantation
overseers, slave patrols, local law officials, and slave
catchers whose job it was to track and capture run-
aways created a restrictive web that made illicit slave
movement nearly impossible. So complete was the net-
work that every white person had authority to stop any
black person and demand to see either a slave's travel
pass or a free black's emancipation papers. Without
convincing documents, a black person could be taken to
jail for further investigation. Southern whites tended to
assume that any black person on the move was not on a
legitimate errand.
Yet Southern slave communities devised brave and
creative methods to skirt the pervasive controls that
kept them in bondage. The Crafts' plan is certainly one
of the best examples, but it has rivals, including the
story of Henry Brown. A Richmond, Virginia, slave
who worked in a city tobacco factory, Brown resolved
to escape after his wife and three children were sold to
a Methodist minister in North Carolina. Brown had
himself sealed in a large wooden crate and shipped by
Adam's Express to Philadelphia in 1848. After a 24-
hour rail trip. Brown was met by members of the Gen-
eral Vigilance Committee of Philadelphia, the local
Underground Railroad agency. Brown, as did the
Crafts and many other fugitives, became a leading fig-
Sojourner Truth was an evan-
gelistic orator who preached
emancipation and women 's
suffrage. She was born a slave
named Isabella Baumfree
about 1 797 in Hurley, New
York. After escaping, she
gained fame suing for the re-
turn of a son who had been
illegally sold. Though she
could neither read nor write,
she was a compelling speaker
at abolitionist meetings as she
evoked the Bible and religious
principles She changed her
name ''because I was to declare
truth unto people.'^
%^ ^ 1
9f fl
/ \
% "^
Frederick Douglass fled from
slavery in Maryland in 1838
and settled in New Bedford,
Massachusetts Using his elo-
quent oratorical and journalis-
tic skills, he became the most
famous 19th century black
abolitionist Among his many
accomplishments, he lectured
for the Massachusetts Anti-
Slavery Society, published an
autobiography, crusaded in
Britain against slavery, and
produced a newspaper, the
North Star, later titled Freder-
ick Douglass" Newspaper. By
his own account, he helped sev-
eral dozen fugitives to freedom
through his home in Rochester
Douglass opposed efforts pro-
moting manumission tied to
emigration and argued for
immediate abolition of slavery.
During the Civil War, he cam-
paigned for the rights of blacks
to enlist in the Union Army
and at times was consulted
about racial issues by Presi-
dent Abraham Lincoln. After
the war he held several govern-
ment posts, including U.S. min-
ister to Haiti, 1889-91.
ure on the antislavery lecture circuit in the northern
United States and in the British Isles. Brown's Rich-
mond accomplice, Samuel A. Smith, a white shoemaker
who had nailed shut the crate and shipped the fugitive,
was found out and served seven years in prison.
But for the majority of runaways, courage and deter-
mination rather than dramatic creativity were their
methods and means. Some stowed away on ships, river-
boats, and trains, but most walked the South's roads at
night and hid in caves, swamps, and woods during the
day. They avoided any human contact for fear of
betrayal, and, yes, they followed the legendary North
Star. Many slaves made their way alone, too fearful to
trust any stranger, black or white, slave or freebom. But
thousands of others were assisted by fellow slaves who
offered hiding places, food, clothes, and safe directions.
The Underground Railroad was a dangerous place
of hunger, bad weather, illness, fear of discovery or
betrayal, the threat of patrols, slave catchers, and
"Negro dogs" trained to hunt down runaways. The sur-
viving documentation about being a fugitive slave in
the South tells harrowing stories, some of triumph and
freedom, others of capture and punishment, including
branding, whipping, sometimes even crippling and
death. The runaway slave's decision to abandon family
and the familiar to strike out for freedom was brave
and reckless. Most slaves chose not to go, refusing to
leave wives and children, husbands and parents, or fear-
ing the consequences if they were caught.
For the Deep South slave starting out from Louisi-
ana, Mississippi, Alabama, Rorida, Georgia, or South
Carolina the trek was long, which diminished the
chances of success. The distance separating slavery and
freedom was too great. But for those thousands of
slaves who made their way to the Upper South, or
escaped from there, the likelihood of finding freedom
increased dramatically. Freedom was just across the line
from Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Kentucky. In
the Upper South, in the adjoining free states, and in the
North's major cities, a more organized Underground
Railroad network was active and attentive, ready to
receive a passenger passed on by a fellow conductor
and on the watch for telltale signs of an exhausted fugi-
tive needing help.
History has kept as one of its mysteries the number
of African Americans who made the journey. Estimates
of the number of runaways range as high as 100,000
^' ^-'''IW^^— •■'--^ '' *-^ •''^- * ^- -'^' ■■ ' *: '- *-'-'^^ '-■^'-^ ^^
7 1 ~T.1
only true remedy for the
Frederick Douglass
Proposes to pul>li»h, in Kpcuiisri.ii, N. V., a "WEEKLY ANTI-SIaAVERT
PAPER, "irti tli(; above title.
TIh! olijcct of the NORTH STAR will be to attack Suvkhv in all its Ibrms and
aspects; advocate rMvrns\L Kma.xcipatio.x ; exalt tlie standard of Piiiuc Moralitv ; pro-
mole tlic .Moral ami Intellectual Iiuproveinent of the COLORED PKOPLE ; and hasten
the day of FRKEDO.M to the Three .Millions of our Kn^lvvid t'Ei.i.ovv Coij.ntkvmen.
The Paper will be printed upon a double niediuui sheet, at $2,00 per annum, if paid
in advance, or .S-,"'*', if payment be delayed over .-.ix months.
The namcj* of Sulwcribors nay bo sent to ihe following named per^ous, and should Im'
forwarded, as far a-* practicable, by the first of N'ovember, proximo.
M n DELAWY, Pitubuigh. P..
VALGirrlNE NICH0L30N. Hsrtrey>bar(h. Wama Co O
Mr WALCOTT 21 CotnhUl. Boston
■luiii^Ml' S^M,.,
JOIL P, DAVIS. Economy. Wayne Coouty, Ind.
J. K MKIM, Philadaliibla, Pa
AMARANCY PAIKE. Providauce. R I.
Mr OA7, li2 Naasau Btroat Now Yock.
These portraits show members
of a Philadelphia vigilance
committee in the 1850s. In the
top row, left to right: J. Miller
McKimm, Nathanial W. Depee,
and an unidentified man. Sec-
ond row: an unidentified man,
and Robert Purvis. Bottom
row: Jacob White Jr, Passmore
Williamson, and William Still.
As indicated in a portion of the
title page, William Still's classic
book, The Underground Rail-
road, recounted stories he col-
lected by and about fugitive
slaves The book originally was
published in 1872 in Philadel-
phia. Still was a noted conduc-
tor on the Underground Rail-
prior to the Civil War. Many slaves who started out
returned to their plantations, were captured, or other-
wise failed to make it to free territory. Other estimates
have 1,000 to 2,000 per year reaching freedom during
the late antebellum years. Firm numbers require hard
documentation, but most fugitive slaves were illiterate,
left few records, and found few people interested in
preserving their story.
In the Deep South, runaways relied upon free blacks
and slaves willing to help fugitives they encountered.
Escape routes and stations crisscrossed much of the
Midwest and Northeast, although they shifted over
time as danger of discovery or changes in leadership
demanded. Two major routes extended from Kentucky
and Virginia across Ohio to the North and from Mary-
land through Pennsylvania into New York or New Eng-
land to Canada. There is substantial evidence of a
long-running system of stations moving slaves through
sparsely populated lUinois and Iowa into Canada.
This network of routes and stations grew out of a
number of conditions — geography, personality, politics,
religion, community values, and historical circum-
stances. Ohio developed one of the most impressive
systems of stations in no small measure because of its
location. It bordered Kentucky with more than 150
miles of river frontage and western Virginia with anoth-
er 200 miles, making freedom only a river's width away
for the Kentucky or Virginia slave or the Deep South
slave who reached either state. The Ohio network
evolved during the 1820s and 1830s when local blacks,
many of them former slaves who had settled in Ohio
towns and cities, began to conduct raids into Kentucky
to liberate slaves and systematically aided others who
came their way.
For 15 years John P. Parker was a conductor in the
energetic riverboat town of Ripley, a main station in the
Ohio network across from Kentucky. A former slave
and an ironworker, he was among the few men in his
community who, in his words, "made themselves poor
serving the helpless fugitive." Parker's town was the set-
ting of constant tension — a "real warfare" he described
it — between those who sought to rescue slaves and
those who patrolled nightly in hopes of catching fugi-
tives for the reward offered by their masters. In most
instances, Parker and his network assisted runaways
who had made the river crossing by themselves, but
during many suspense-filled nights, Parker belted on
♦-■ '^p?^
Namtiis th« Hardships Hair-breadtli beapcs ud Dnth Stra;^
SlsTcs !■ tkelr efforts for FreedoB
Abolitionism had different
meanings at different times for
different groups. The Pennsyl-
vania Abolition Society and
the Virginia Abolition Society
were formed in the 1 780s to
abolish slavery gradually
through legislative action and
through manumission. William
Lloyd Gan-ison was a gradual-
ist, but black friends soon
persuaded him to advocate im-
mediate and uncompensated
emancipation in his newspa-
per, The Liberator. Immedi-
atism became the new goal
of abolitionism. The New Eng-
land Anti-Slavery Society was
formed in 1832, and within five
years it had several hundred
chapters. Garrison and his
allies, including three blacks,
then formed the American Anti-
Slavery Society, which had
associate interracial female
societies in Philadelphia and
Boston. By 1838, this group
had almost 250,000 members.
The Society split into factions
at its 1 840 convention in
Syracuse, New York, when a
woman was elected to a com-
mittee. Garrison's group be-
came increasingly radical and
considered dissolving the
Union as the only way to force
emancipation. Religiously mo-
tivated abolitionists constituted
a larger group and were orga-
nized into the American and
Foreign Anti-Slavery Society
from 1 840 to the mid-1 850s.
Gerrit Smith's political aboli-
tionists in New York argued
that the U.S. Constitution pro-
hibited slavery and that the
Federal Government had the
power to abolish it. Most politi-
cal abolitionists joined the new
Republican Party in 1854.
Some abolitionists, such as the
Oberlin, Ohio, group shown
below, rescued slaves who
were about to be returned to
their masters. Black abolition-
ists often felt they were kept on
the margins of the movement
and increasingly had their own
meetings and read newspapers
published by African Ameri-
cans. Abolitionism, despite its
fragmentation, helped bring
the nation to civil war.
Attending an 1845 antislavery
meeting in Cazenovia, New
York, are Frederick Douglass,
to his left Theodosia Gilbert,
and behind him Gerrit Smith.
In disputes over slavery in the
Kansas territory in the 1850s,
John Brown gained a reputation
as an ardent abolitionist and
believer in violence to pursue
goals He is best known for his
October 16, 1859, raid on the
federal armory and arsenal at
Harpers Ferry. Brown's follow-
ers, included five free blacks,
among them Dangerfield New-
byfrom Virginia and Osborne
Anderson from Chatham,
Canada West. They hoped to
seize a supply of weapons and
spark a rebellion of the slaves
But federal troops under Col.
Robert E. Lee stormed the
enginehouse, right, and captured
Brown and most of the raiders
He was foimd guilty of treason
against Virginia and hanged
December 2. Southern whites
saw Brown as a violent fanatic.
Northern abolitionists hailed
him as a martyr In a few years
Union troops were singing
''John Brown 's body lies
a-moldering in the grave, but
his soul goes marching on. "
The song originally referred to
another John Brown but later
became associated with the
two pistols and a knife, took his boat into Kentucky, and
brought out fugitives who were stranded just short of
freedom's territory. Parker reported that he assisted
315 slaves during the first five years he was involved in
the Ohio Underground Railroad.
During the 1830s and continuing late into the next
decade, Washington, D.C., operated one of the most
aggressive networks because of its location and its art-
ful leadership. Thousands of slaves from plantations in
bordering Virginia and Maryland were helped to free-
dom by Washington blacks, many of whom masked
their illegal activities behind trusted positions in white
society. They included ministers, businessmen, and a
porter in the U.S. Supreme Court. Thomas Tilly, a
coachman for a federal marshal, held religious services
for slaves on neighboring Virginia plantations and used
those occasions to organize escapes. Jacob R. Gibbs, a
printer, maintained a file of "free papers" from
deceased local blacks, which he gave to runaways to
ensure their safe passage through white society. He aid-
ed as many as 2,000 fugitives.
Leonard A. Grimes, who worked as a cabdriver, used
carriages and horses in his efforts. During one trip into
Virginia, Grimes was captured liberating a slave
woman and her seven children, a crime for which he
served two years in a Richmond prison, only to rejoin
the underground after his release. On one occasion,
members of the Washington network rescued several
fugitive slaves who had been captured and placed in
slave pens until their masters could claim them. This
eastern network was briefly crippled during the late
1840s by urban race riots and by slaveholders' attempts
to crush the network that forced important members of
the Washington group to flee the area.
Individual personalities shaped the character of
some sections of the underground. Among the thou-
sands of free-state agents were community leaders and
work-a-day citizens — black and white, slave and free-
bom, men and women — committed to striking a blow
at slavery. Fugitives who made their way from Philadel-
phia into Canada via the Albany, New York, route
sometimes found themselves under the protective care
of luminary black abolitionists and longtime agents:
William Still in Philadelphia, David Ruggles in New
York City, Stephen Meyers in Albany, J.W. Loguen in
Syracuse, Frederick Douglass in Rochester, and Hiram
Wilson in Saint Catharines, Upper Canada. Some
mornings Douglass arrived at his Rochester newspaper
office to find fugitives on the doorstep. The runaways
were routinely hidden, fed, clothed, allowed to rest, and
cared for in the home of a local agent before moving on
to the next station, sometimes by foot, sometimes by
train, sometimes hidden in a wagon traveling by night.
Appropriately enough, Douglass's antislavery newspa-
per was named the North Star.
Some Underground Railroad stations possessed
such forceful membership and moral authority that the
network became a defining characteristic of the com-
munity. Those stations usually resulted from a number
of influences coming together, including a sizable fugi-
tive slave and free black population and an active
Quaker fellowship, or some mix of race, church mem-
bership, family ties, and a strongly-held sense of the
injustice of slavery. Oberlin, Ohio, was one such com-
munity, its reputation further enhanced by the robust
abolitionist tradition of Oberlin College.
In one instance, slave catchers accompanied by a U.S.
deputy marshal arrived in Oberlin to capture fugitive
slave John Price. When residents learned of the plan,
the Underground Railroad went on alert. Almost 40
local residents formed a rescue party — father and son,
carpenter and farmer, cabinetmaker and cobbler,
undertaker and brickmaker, student and professor, gro-
cer and lawyer, black and white — sped to a nearby
town and rescued Price from his captors. Thirty-seven
were indicted for their roles in the rescue, twenty spent
time in jail awaiting trial, and two were tried and con-
victed. Yet this experience failed to cripple the Oberlin
The best organized and most aggressive stations
operated in Northern cities. These major hubs devel-
oped into a tight network that passed fugitives from
city to city. Often known as vigilance committees, they
were well-led, well-staffed, well-funded, and served as
the runaways' friend and the conscience of the black
community. They evolved during the 1830s out of cruel
circumstances. As unprecedented numbers of fugitives
began to settle in Northern cities, the kidnapping of
fugitive slaves and free blacks by slave catchers, who
sold their prey into slavery, became commonplace. The
black community organized to protect itself and fleeing
The New York Committee of Vigilance, founded in
1835 and led by David Ruggles, relentlessly aided and
■■*' ■ 'S.i
■' i ^^
V. .
defended escaped slaves. White abolitionists provided
important assistance, but blacks directed the committee
and raised most of its operating funds. The New York
station disseminated information about kidnappers and
slave catchers; dispensed food, clothing, money, medi-
cine, legal services, and temporary shelter to fugitives;
and resettled them in the North or provided safe pas-
sage to Canada. It compiled the Slaveholders Directory
to make public the names and addresses of poHce,
judges, and other New York City officials who cooper-
ated with kidnapping rings or aided in the capture of
fugitives. The committee kept a particularly close watch
on the city's harbor facilities, where Ruggles and his
companions more than once risked their lives by
boarding ships they suspected were concealing kid-
napped victims or illegally transporting slaves into the
United States.
Blacks — many of them fugitive slaves — also orga-
nized vigilance associations in Philadelphia, Boston,
Detroit, and other Northern cities. Philadelphia, a city
with large Quaker and black populations, was home to
perhaps the most active Underground Railroad station.
It directed some 9,000 runaways between 1830 and
1860 to contacts along well-established and well-main-
tained routes. WilHam Still, a freebom black, was one of
its legendary leaders. As a member of the Pennsylvania
Anti-Slavery Society and then as director of the Gener-
al Vigilance Committee of Philadelphia, he managed
the committee's finances, which funded Harriet Tub-
man's raids. He established a network of safe houses,
maintained contacts along routes from the Upper
South to Canada, and channeled runaways to conduc-
tors in Pennsylvania and New York.
Fugitive slaves, black sailors, stevedores, teamsters,
and other black workers served as the muscle and
backbone of the committee by sheltering and trans-
porting fugitives and by gathering and relaying crucial
information. One Underground Railroad member de-
scribed them as ''men of overalls. . .who could do heavy
work in the hour of difficulty."
Vigilance committee membership brought working-
class blacks into closer contact with more elite black
abolitionists, who provided money and organizational
experience. Black women kept a watchful eye out for
suspicious whites they observed in hotels, in boarding-
houses, and on the streets. Black congregations shel-
tered fugitives and opened their buildings to committee
Quakers Levi and Catherine
Coffin welcome runaway
slaves arriving at their home
outside Cincinnati (where
they had moved in 1846) in
this detail from Charles T. Web-
ber's influential painting, The
Underground Railroad. The
Coffins had moved to Indiana
in 1826 from North Carolina,
where several members of the
Coffin family were involved in
helping fugitive slaves. In Indi-
ana, they took in many groups
of 2 to 17 fugitives and assisted
them on their way northward.
Levi Coffin, among others,
became known as ''president"
of the Underground Railroad.
Harriet Beecher Stowe based
her fictional characters Simeon
and Rachel Halliday in Uncle
Tom's Cabin on Levi and
Catherine Coffin.
Ycu arr hrreli) rfspffiHill) lAI TIONED aod
adusril. lo atoid cuD>fr>ine Hiih (be
Viiiirliiiuii ami Mm (lllicers
of llosloii.
Fur «inr<' tli< r< r< iit OI(l>i:K OK THK ^AVOR &.
il.ilKK^II.'N. Ill
irr «-nip<n» mil lo act a»
Slave Catchers,
4n<l llii't h:itr i)lmi<1« Im-i-ii nrluullv riaploied la
M.i\ l>. I'lH-DfoD-. U'lou >:ilu«- >oiir I.IRCKTV,
itnd Ihf %%'rljarr of thr I Hnilireii nuiuoe >ou, XAmh
Cbrni ill tirrt po««i>iU' in;inii< r. ii> >o ni:in> ttOlWltS
on lli<- Ir.irl. <>rihr iiiii«l i:iiriirliiii:ili' of tour racr.
k(><'|» a Sharp liook Out for
kll)\ VI»IM:KS. aiHi have
'roi» i:^ KoiM'ii.
meetings; church-affiliated auxiharies, often directed by
black women, raised the bulk of committee operating
funds; and black benevolent societies collected food
and clothing for destitute fugitives. Hundreds of New
York City blacks attended the committee's public
meetings to listen to activity reports and to celebrate
dramatic stories of fugitive slaves who had made suc-
cessful escapes.
The Underground Railroad can be considered the
most aggressive arm of the antislavery movement, but
efforts to free slaves had been going on for quite some
time. Slavery was gradually abolished in the Northern
states in the wake of the American Revolution. Early in
the 19th century, a movement began to organize to end
slavery in the South, where slave labor was more inti-
mately tied to the economy, more Africans were held in
bondage, and the white population was more defensive
about preserving the institution.
The abolitionist movement spread slowly until the
1830s, when its tone and tactics changed. In 1833 black
and white abolitionists from nine states came together
in Philadelphia to form the American Anti-Slavery
Society, an organization designed to coordinate and
promote local antislavery activity in the free states.
From that point on, the abolitionist movement became
more aggressive in its language and tactics, demanding
the immediate end to slavery without compensating
slaveholders for their losses. Other organizations were
formed, and relying on the power of persuasion, news-
papers were established and lecture tours were orga-
nized to spread the word througho'ut the North about
the evils of slavery and the need for its eradication.
Never winning over more than a small minority of
Northern whites, the antislavery movement inspired
the national debate over slavery, pushed the slavehold-
ing South into a rigid defensive position, and helped
prepare Northern sentiment to eventually accept aboli-
tion as an aim of the Civil War.
Not all abolitionists approved of the Underground
Railroad, although antislavery organizations often
funded its activities and in more than one community
when the local antislavery organization ended its meet-
ing, many members remained behind to convene a
meeting of the vigilance committee. Service in the
underground network was a dangerous trade requiring
secrecy and determination and sometimes extracting
enormous sacrifice. Black and white abolitionist news-
papers cautioned fugitive slaves not to discuss their
escapes in detail to avoid having their routes shut off to
those still in bondage. Messages passed between agents
were filled with cryptic terms and vague references, a
style that adopted railroading language famihar to the
conductors but of limited use to strangers or enemies.
Caution and secrecy notwithstanding, dozens of agents
were jailed for aiding escaping slaves.
TTie antislaver}' movement wrote and spoke of
Calvin Fairbanks, Charles Turner Torrey, and Jonathan
Walker as martyrs, three chosen from among the many.
Fairbanks was jailed twice, suffering 16 years of foul
conditions in a Kentucky prison for aiding a slave fami-
ly escaping to Canada. Charles Torrey, the conductor of
perhaps 400 slaves before he was arrested, died of
tuberculosis in a Baltimore prison. Jonathan Walker, a
Massachusetts sea captain who hid four
fugitive slaves aboard his ship had
"S.S." — for "slave stealer" — branded on
his right hand, served eight months in jail,
and was forced to compensate the slave-
holders for damages. The list goes on,
white and black, slave and free, lingering
in jails in both North and South.
More than one Underground Railroad
agent was arrested attempting to rescue
slaves who had been captured in the
North and jailed to be sent back into slav-
ery. The number of jailed fugitives and
rescue attempts increased dramatically
after Congress passed the Fugitive Slave
Law of 1850, a point of departure in the history of the
Underground Railroad. Prior to that date, under-
ground agents and their fellow abolitionists were
regarded as dangerous extremists by most Americans,
even those who considered themselves freedom-loving.
But the Fugitive Slave Law changed popular attitudes
among many Northerners who viewed some provisions
of the 1850 law as serious violations of cherished per-
sonal liberties and constitutional guarantees.
Underground Railroad activity and sectional ten-
sions over slavery increased after 1850. More whites
than ever before joined the predominately black net-
work, more funds became available, new stations and
routes were established, and influential lav^ers offered
their services to defend captured fugitives and agents
arrested for aiding them. The need was considerable.
By the mid-1 800s, proslavery
and antislavery sentiments
were often expressed violently.
Jonathan Walker, a Massachu-
setts abolitionist, tried to smug-
gle seven slaves from Pensa-
cola, Florida, to the Bahamas
in 1844. His boat was captured,
and the slaves were returned
to their owners. Walker was
jailed and branded on his right
hand with ''SS"for "slave
stealer "As the poster at left
indicates, the Fugitive Slave
Law of 1850 made even north-
ern law officers abettors of
slave catchers
Blacks in the Civil War
The Civil War began as a war
to preserve the Union, a nation
Abraham Lincoln termed "half
slave, half free." But no sooner
had Union troops appeared in
the border states, on islands off
the Atlantic coast, and in the
lower Mississippi Valley than
thousands of blacks took the
opportunity to liberate them-
selves by fleeing to Union
camps. A first impulse to send
them back to their masters was
soon squelched. Runaways,
such as those shown below on
the U.S.S. Vermont, became
"contraband," or confiscated
property of war. Many of them
quickly found work within the
Union lines, and family mem-
bers joined them. In the Con-
federate states, free blacks
were conscripted to dig fortifi-
cations and to labor on roads
and in mines. Slaves accompa-
nied their masters to army
camps as cooks, grooms, and
personal attendants. Slave-
holders hired out their slaves to
the army, but as the Union
army approached, many pre-
ferred to send their slaves to
the interior lines. These enor-
mous upheavals in Southem
life created new opportunities
for self-liberation. Meanwhile,
Northern blacks who first
sought to form military units
and join the Federal army were
rebuffed. Then in July 1 862,
after the disastrous Peninsular
Campaign, President Abraham
Lincoln issued the Second
Confiscation Act stating that
the Union could "employ. .per-
sons of African descent,..for
the suppression of the rebel-
lion." The entry into the Union
army of African-American ^
y '1^
units, like the one at left and
the famed 54th Massachusetts
Colored Infantry, plus encamp-
ments of thousands of "con-
trabands" constituted a de
facto emancipation before the
Emancipation Proclamation
went into effect on January 1 ,
1 863. The war to save the
Union had become the war to
free the slaves. African Ameri-
cans had demonstrated that
once slavery's chain was bro-
ken it would never be repaired.
^^t ^
^■^^^^ "'••''"*i'">- ^**''-*' *'"■ 'VMileiit of the Unite.1 Sutt-s j>roclaiiue«l
iP'jEt.jEiiEtxyojMx. -r-o oxrjBxi.
John H. Lawson served in the
Union navy and received the
Medal of Honor for his role
in the Battle of Mobile Bay in
Growing bold because of expanded powers granted
by the new federal law, slave catchers and kidnappers
swarmed north threatening all blacks, not just fugitive
slaves, with arbitrary arrest and a swift hearing before a
federal officer followed by life in bondage. So real was
the threat and so fearful the consequences, a starthng
number of blacks, many of them freebom, fled the
United States during the 1850s. In Michigan hundreds
of blacks crossed the river from Detroit into Canada
during the first months after passage of the law.
In nearly every major Northern city during the 1850s,
rescuers of captured fugitives often resorted to vio-
lence, which had been considered by only a radical few
during the years before the Fugitive Slave Law. Wher-
ever the underground was active, blacks pledged their
will "to resist to the death," as one handbill announced
their intention. Rescues — failed and successful — were
plentiful throughout the free states, some of them well
organized, others spontaneous. One of the most cele-
brated rescues took place in Syracuse, New York, where
black and white members of the local vigilance com-
mittee stormed the jail to free the fugitive slave Jerry
McHenry and spirited him away to Canada. Federal
prosecutors, eager to make an example of those who
flouted the law and encouraged by President Millard
Fillmore, indicted 26 men, including 12 blacks. Nine of
the accused blacks, with leading black abolitionists
Samuel R. Ward and Jermain W. Loguen among them,
fled to Canada. Three whites were tried and acquitted.
Enoch Reed, the single black tried, was convicted and
Fugitive slaves on the run sought a sanctuary, a place
to stop, where they could make a new life free of fear.
For some, that meant the towns and cities of the eastern
free states. Others settled in the villages and farm lands
of the Midwest, and many made their way to Califor-
nia, where more than one family lost track of fathers,
brothers, and sons in the goldfields of the late 1840s.
Fugitives who lacked confidence in America's legal and
social values turned their attention to foreign points —
to Canada for the majority, to the Caribbean or Latin
America for the few.
Runaway slaves settling along the eastern seaboard
found comfort and safety among the growing numbers
of blacks who developed separate and vibrant commu-
nities in America's emerging urban centers. Boston,
Philadelphia, and New York were conspicuous loca-
tions but not exclusively so. New Bedford, Massachu-
setts, one of many smaller examples, attracted a fugitive
population because of its fishing and sailing trades.
Wherever they settled, former slaves were typically
drawn into community life. Sharing the aspirations
common to American culture, they found jobs, raised
families, and assumed the responsibilities of citizenship.
But citizenship and community building were difficult
for African Americans during the antebellum years.
Blacks struggled against racism, race violence, and an
indifferent and hostile political and legal system that in
its normal application afforded them little protection
and few resources.
Self-reliance became the watchword. Blacks, free-
bom and former slave, built their institutions apart
from the white majority. They founded and supported
their own newspapers. Freedom's Journal, the North
Star, The Colored American, The Anglo-African, papers
dedicated to serving black needs, national and local,
while joining the battle against slavery. The Colored
American asked its readers "to speak out in Thunder
Tones." Blacks built and funded their own churches,
schools, and orphanages to nurture and serve commu-
nity needs. They set up reading rooms to promote liter-
acy, established lecture series to spread the good word,
and in the spirit of the era of reform, they banded
together in temperance and antislavery groups to
change themselves and transform the nation.
Black institutions and organizations fostered racial
pride and identity while becoming centerpieces for
black activism and leadership. Veterans of the Under-
ground Railroad were conspicuous participants. Fred-
erick Douglass was at his editor's desk, and countless
fugitives slaves stood behind the pulpit of their church-
es every Sunday morning preaching to their congrega-
tions about salvation and slavery. They included such
well-established leaders as J.W.C. Pennington, Henry
Highland Garnet, Jermain W. Loguen, and Samuel
Ringgold Ward.
Churches and schools doubled as antislavery meet-
inghouses, naturally attracting former slaves, many of
them not long off the Underground Railroad. Believing
that Northern public opinion was the key to a success-
ful battle against slavery, abolitionists published news-
papers, books, and pamphlets, and they organized
extensive lecture tours. The leadership learned very
quickly that fugitive slave speakers had the greatest
Samuel Ringgold Ward was a
Congregational minister and
a stirring orator known as
the ''Black Daniel Webster "
As an infant, he escaped slav-
ery with his parents. As an
adult he became a staunch
abolitionist. He went to Toron-
to and founded a black news-
paper, The Provincial Free-
man. Ward aided fugitives in
Canada and traveled extensive-
ly in Britain advocating racial
equality and raising funds
for black causes.
impact on audiences; someone "who has felt in his own
person the evils of Slavery, and with a strong voice of
experience can tell of its horrors," wrote one enthusias-
tic organizer of the lectures.
Fugitives took their story wherever they might be
heard, to the cities and small towns across the North
and Midwest, in meetinghouses and outdoor forums.
They rode trains and dusty stagecoaches to address
audiences that were sometimes hostile, even violent;
Douglass had his wrist broken at an outdoor meeting in
Indiana. They told personal tales of suffering and dra-
ma— the Crafts and Henry "Box" Brown were
favorites — and they displayed slavery's tools — ^whips,
branding irons, leg chains, and neck collars — to per-
suade an audience of slavery's inhumanity. And they
were good at it, becoming the antislavery crusade's
undisputed true voice and the cornerstone of its credi-
Fugitives quickly learned what Northern free blacks
always understood, that racism thrived in the North,
that there was an intimate connection between racist
behavior in the free states and bondage in the South,
and to rid the land of one such evil and not the other
would be to leave the job half done. So they organized
campaigns to win the vote, to desegregate streetcars,
and to see that a fair portion of local taxes supported
their institutions. During those difficult days, in those
troubled settings, former slaves shared the responsibili-
ty for creating black institutions and helped establish
the leadership tradition of the black community.
Struggle as they might to make a "life in the country
they had helped build, many fugitive slaves grew dis-
couraged. The courts denied them protection, the elec-
toral system offered them no ballot, daily life was never
far removed from reminders of segregation and dis-
crimination, and the threat of race violence always
churned on the surface of society. Little wonder that
many fugitives chose to flee the country.
The overwhelming majority headed for Canada, at
least 20,000 by the end of the Civil War, perhaps many
more depending upon whose sketchy and incomplete
numbers one accepts. But flee they did, out of harm's
way into the welcoming embrace of the British empire
that in the 1830s abolished slavery and then handed
down legal decisions that protected fugitive slaves from
being extradited back to the United States and back
into slavery. Lewis Richardson, one of Henry Clay's
F*-"T^"»V'*''^t '^'''^l'''^^ I
r/?e £/g//7 Senlement, also
known as the Bitxton Mission,
was founded by the Rev. William
King. Formed in 1849. it grew
and prospered until the Civil
War The poster parodizing the
language of railway and other
commercial enterprises tells of
the arrival of fugitives in Canada
fel. *- • n
• iy
-^ - '^^S-^-.T
former slaves, wrote of his relief at being on British soil,
"where I am not known by the color of my skin, but
where the government knows me as a man."
Canada was an appropriate final stop on the Under-
ground Railroad, a safe haven that blacks discovered
over time was not wholly free of racial problems but
one that offered them a fair opportunity to do well and
to make a life, and many former slaves did just that.
They built houses, started businesses, and worked
farms; they discovered fair treatment in the courts and
open access to the voting booth; they formed social
^ organizations and joined militia units; and they found-
J^fc.'* ed and pubUshed two newspapers, the Provincial Free-
^^T^ man and the Voice of the Fugitive. Nearly every center
of black population had an organization devoted to
keeping a watchful eye out for slave catchers who
crossed the border trying to kidnap fugitives so they
might return them to their masters — for a price.
The Canadian migration began as a hopeful termi-
nus for the Underground Railroad, a remedy from slav-
ery's extended grasp throughout the United States,
particularly after 1850 and passage of the Fugitive
Slave Law. But it became something more: a symbol of
black determination and antislavery prophesy. Aboli-
„ .«^^, tionists in the United States argued that the slave's
|j||^^^j^#Jj|2L ^^Jl decision to make the dangerous trek on the Under-
ground Railroad undercut the slaveowner's argument
that Africans were contented in their hfe of bondage.
And, continued the argument, once in Canada, blacks
who thrived in a free and open society would effective-
ly challenge proslavery claims 'of racial inferiority,
claims that blacks were incapable of functioning on
^ their own as emancipated citizens and therefore best
- left in bondage.
And nowhere was this symbolism more potently
advertised and promoted than in two of the planned
communities — Dawn and Elgin — that were established
^^ J in Canada. Organized and funded by abolitionists and
^^^^ philanthropic groups and individuals, they were set up
.^^^^' to assist fugitives, many of whom arrived with little
jm / more than a set of clothes and their exhaustion.
• The Dawn and Elgin settlements were organized in
the 1840s. Dawn attracted some 500 settlers to its 1,500
acres situated near Dresden. Its chief attraction, aside
from the assistance and comfort of a shared communi-
ty, was a manual labor school — the beloved promise of
education. Near Buxton, Elgin became the most suc-
il^-OB SAi-**
cessful of the planned communities by 1861 with three
schools, two hotels, a general store, and a post office to
service the 300 families who resided on 9,000 acres.
These communities were home to fugitive slaves, but
they also took on great importance in the U.S. struggle
over slavery. Guided by religion and education and
dedicated to self-help and improvement, the settle-
ments were promoted by abolitionists as proof of black
fitness for freedom. The rationale was that if former
slaves could make Dawn and Elgin showcases of black
aspirations and achievement, their very example would
undercut racist theories that Southerners and their
friends used to defend slavery.
The communities never became what their organiz-
ers and antislavery promoters hoped for after their ini-
tial philanthropic impulse to assist escaping
slaves was diverted to antislavery propa-
ganda. Dawn shut down in the 1850s; Elgin
struggled along for another 20 years. But
these experiments do not stand alone in
history. None of the reform-minded
planned communities in North America
prospered and flourished over the long
haul, not those devoted to fugitive slaves or
the ones idealistic whites established to
illustrate the benefits of communal living.
And life on the Canadian frontier was
harsh even for the experienced pioneer.
Towns and settlements sprang up and dis-
appeared with alarming regularity regard-
less of race, origin, or ambition. The fate of
Dawn, Elgin, or the others like them in
Canada does little to diminish the life that
thousands of blacks made for themselves in
the land north of slavery.
Canada was not the only foreign country that blacks
sought out for freedom; it was simply the only impor-
tant one if measured by numbers and systematic
appeal. Isolated examples have fugitive slaves fleeing to
the nearest safe piece of geography, perhaps the Indian
Territory, or Mexico, or the occasional spot in the
Caribbean if opportunity presented itself, perhaps by
stowing away on a ship. With the possible exception of
Mexico, given its border with Texas, those locations
were not central to the Underground Railroad.
Runaway slave notices in Texas newspapers hint at
part of that story. An advertisement in a San Antonio
Harriet Beecher Stowe's attack
on slavery in her 1852 novel,
Uncle Tom's Cabin, was read
and acclaimed around the
world. When President Abra-
ham Lincoln was introduced
to her, he supposedly said, "So
you 're the little woman who
wrote the book that made this
great war!" Stowe, top left, ac-
knowledged the influence of
the first autobiography ofJosi-
ah Henson, lower left, on her
writing. Henson reached Fort
Erie, Canada, in 1830 with his
wife and four children. In 1841,
he helped found the Dawn
Settlement. Later editions of
Henson's autobiography
emphasized his connection
with Uncle Tom. The Webb
family, above, toured the
North giving dramatic read-
, ingsfrom Stowe's book.
Colonization In Liberia
When the American Society for
Colonizing the Free People of
Colour in America was estab-
lished in 1816, it was looked
upon with suspicion by most
free blacks. Prominent politi-
cians such as Henry Clay and
John Randolph and evangeli-
cal clergymen said that
Africans had been degraded in
the United States, and even if
slaves were emancipated, they
could not nse to full citizenship.
The only solution, the Society
members proposed, was to
offer to send free blacks to a
colony in Africa where they
might make their own republic.
And, slaveholders added, this
would tend to make slave
property more secure since no
African could be mistaken for a
free person. It was this point
that turned most free blacks
away from Liberia, which the
American Colonization Society
had founded by 1821. Still,
some blacks were attracted to
Liberia as a place where they
could establish their own gov-
ernment, develop trade and
commerce, and send mission-
aries. In its first decade, Liberia
received about 3,000 African
Americans, predominately free
and in families. After the early
1830s, more of the emigrants
were family groups manumitted
specially to be sent to Liberia. In
1847, Liberia became a republic
and operated under a constitu-
tion that was modeled on— and
mocked— the U.S. Constitution.
By the Civil War, 14,000 black
Americans had emigrated there.
The emigration sparked strong
emotions. Each side considered
the other deluded. Although the
colonization of West Africa drew
more African Americans than
emigrated elsewhere except for
Canada, it remained unpopular
among enslaved people be-
cause of its sponsorship by
whites, its distance from the
United States, and mmors of
high death rates. Daniel Dashiel
Warner (shown at right in a por-
trait by Thomas Sully) and his
family moved to Monrovia,
Liberia, in 1823 and built a ship-
yard. Warner served as presi-
dent in 1 861 . The president's
palace, below, looked much like
houses in Maryland, Virginia,
and Ohio.
^■^^' i— ' *M ^ ^ IM JIf III ■«
j i» en HI sfl
paper described a man named Nelson as ''probably on
his way to Mexico." Dark in complexion, 6 feet tall, 160
pounds, with high cheekbones. Nelson had fled slavery
well-equipped, with a Spanish horse and a fine saddle, a
large double-barrel shotgun, and a "considerable sum
of money." Nelson's owner promised the horse and
cash to anyone who would capture the slave, "or the
same reward for his scalp."
Locations outside of North America offered a pow-
erful attraction to some African-American leaders,
including fugitive slaves. Haiti, Jamaica, the West Indies,
and Africa were their most common points of refer-
ence. But as destinations for the runaway slave heading
out of the South, those would have been impossible
goals in all but extraordinary circumstances. Such exot-
ic foreign spots were invoked in discussions by black
leaders who promoted emigration, a move out of North
America, away from white-controlled nations and terri-
tories, to places where people of color made their own
destiny. The argument, simply stated, was that a true
black nationality could not develop and thrive in a
majority white environment.
An organized effort explored an earlier African-
American settlement in Liberia and emigration to
Africa under the inspiration of Martin R. Delany, a
physician and black nationalism's most persistent advo-
cate. Another program sponsored several hundred
blacks to settle in Haiti with disastrous results. Black
leaders, fugitives among them, flirted with different
locations. J.W.C. Pennington considered Jamaica briefly
in the 1840s. And during the most difficult 1850s, after
passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, even emigration's
toughest black critics softened their objections, no
longer certain that America could be reformed on mat-
ters of race and slavery.
But emigration was always more a debate among
black leaders than a program for the future among
black citizens. The discussion always grew fiercer in
times of greatest racial troubles in the United States;
but as the nation turned its attention to sectional antag-
onisms and finally to the Civil War, the debate grew
still. Delany, emigration's wisest and most thoughtful
advocate, was among the many black nationalist lead-
ers who abandoned emigration and turned their talents
to supporting the Union war effort in the hope that it
would become a struggle for emancipation, America's
salvation for the slaves and the oppressed.
The Underground Railroad continued throughout
the Civil War and into Reconstruction. Some Southern
agents, such as Harriet Tubman, became spies for the
Union army while continuing to aid the growing num-
ber of runaways. Northern stations maintained their
longtime functions while expanding assistance to desti-
tute freedmen seeking shelter behind Union lines in the
occupied South. After Abraham Lincoln issued the
Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, tens of thousands
of slaves left plantations in Confederate territory to
join a passing Union column or made their way to a
federal army encampment, where they often were
turned away or welcomed with less than a liberator's
As the war drew to a close and the nation faced the
pressing question about the future of the freed slaves,
the underground network shifted its focus to relief
efforts, collecting funds, food, and clothing for those
who left bondage with little more than the clothes they
were wearing. The network that for so long waged an
active war against slavery turned its attention in peace-
time to helping define the terms of emancipation.
With the end of Reconstruction and the passing of
time, the Underground Railroad has been elevated to
the place of national legend, its status earned by sacri-
fices in the campaign against tyranny and conferred as
the embodiment of the nation's foremost principles of
freedom and liberty.
On foot, on horseback, in
wagons, any way they could,
slaves in increasing numbers
fled to Union lines as Federal
armies invaded different parts
of the South. The North de-
clared the runaways contra-
band and gave them food and
shelter and put them to work
preparing meals, digging
trenches, and other troop sup-
port activities.
■* .»_
This painting of Mulberry
Plantation in South Carolina
by an unknown artist shows
the slave quarters located close
to the main residence.
'/ 1"^^*^^-
fn J832, Willkim Lloyd Garri-
son and r9 fellow aboMonists
founded the New England
Anti-Slavery Society at the
African Meeting House in
Boston. This photograph
shows the church in 1875.
i-^:;. ?;^....
um ^
— !
Recognizing Historic Places
Many sites in the United States are said
to be associated with the Underground
Railroad. Some of these may be ehgible
for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places. Definitively deciding
which ones were "stations" on or other-
wise related to the informal network of
slave-escape routes is difficult, because,
as Larry Gara points out in the introduc-
tion to this book, many aspects of the
Underground Railroad story have taken
on a mythical aura.
The National Register of Historic
Places, administered by the National
Park Service under the Secretary of the
Interior, is the official Hst of the nation's
cultural districts, sites, buildings, struc-
tures, and objects that are significant in
American history, architecture, archeol-
ogy, engineering, and culture. These
resources contribute to an understand-
ing of the historical and cultural founda-
tions of the nation.
Most nominations to the National
Register are made by the states through
State Historic Preservation Offices
(SHPO). State review boards, composed
of professionals in the fields of Ameri-
can history, architectural history, archi-
tecture, prehistoric and historic
archeology, and other related disciplines
make recommendations to the SHPO
when a nomination meets the National
Register criteria and should be forward-
ed to the National Park Service.
The Secretary of the Interior also is
responsible for determining which prop-
erties have national significance to all
Americans and therefore may be desig-
nated as National Historic Landmarks.
The National Park Service, which also
administers the National Historic Land-
marks Program, works with other gov-
ernmental agencies and private
organizations in studying places and
nominating them for designation as
Initial requests for consideration may
come from organizations, SHPOs, local
officials, or owners. The National Park
System Advisory Board, composed of
citizens appointed by the Secretary,
reviews nominations to determine
whether a property meets the Land-
mark criteria and then conveys its rec-
ommendations to the Secretary, who
makes the final decision about Land-
mark designation.
Listing in the National Register does
not interfere with a private property
owner's right to alter, manage, or dis-
pose of the property. Owners of proper-
ties designated as Landmarks also do
not give up any rights of ownership or
use. Because a federal agency must con-
sider the effects of a proposed project on
a property listed in or eligible for listing
in the National Register, including
National Historic Landmarks, the listing
may help protect the historic place
against possible adverse threats from
federal projects, such as highways or util-
ity lines.
National Register listing and Land-
mark designation also may make the
owner eligible for certain tax incentives
and preservation grants. Pending legisla-
tion requires the National Park Service
to create an official, uniform symbol or
device which will mark all historic prop-
erties associated with the Underground
Railroad listed in the National Register.
Verification: Documents and Artifacts
The Rokeby Museum and Fort
Mose are associated with the
story of runaways and illus-
trate how historians use evi-
dence ranging from archeol-
ogical excavations and site
inspections to documents and
aerial photography to verify a
site's significance. Both are
National Historic Landmarks.
Rokeby, in Ferrisburgh.Ver-
mont, was the home and farm-
stead of the Robinson family,
1 793 to 1 961 . Thomas Robin-
son was an active member of
state and local antislavery
^sBBES^B* '
societies, but ,. „«»
Rowland Thomas Robinson,
right, who became an ardent
abolitionist and sheltered
fugitives. The family's help to
runaways is well documented
in the museum's collection of
10,000 documents. They in-
clude letters from abolition-
ists Lucretia Mott and William
Lloyd Garrison. Other letters
concern the safety and job
prospects of fugitives, along
with documentation of one
slaveholder's attempts to get
a fugitive to return volun-
tarily. The papers reveal that
some runaways were given
temporary shelter while others
stayed there to work.
Pi. \ n «"<•*.
«v „
/ T L A 2C T I r
^^ Jli\'
(> r F .1 .V
Fort Mose, labeled simply as
"Negroe Fort" on the map at
left, dates to the era when
Spain controlled Florida and
fought with England over the
lands around Florida's present
border with Georgia. Africans
and Indians crossed the border
into Florida to escape enslave-
ment or extinction under the
English. In 1738 Florida offered
sanctuary to fugitive slaves
and made them part of a mili-
tia. To increase defenses and
to house the blacks, the
Spaniards established a town
and fort two miles to the north
called Gracia Real de Santa
Teresa de Mose. The fort and a
subsequent fort were used
until 1 763 when Spain ceded
Florida to England. In 1976
Jack Williams believed he had
located the site of Fort Mose in
a salt marsh he owned. Ten
years later the Florida Museum
of Natural History began a
study of the site. With the help
of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, archeol-
ogists used thennal images to
determine the now-underwater
site of the first fort and used
maps, plus aerial photographs
and archeological excavations
to locate the second fort on a
small island in the marsh.
From documents in Spain,
Florida, and other places and
from bones, seeds, and arti-
facts, they are putting together
the story of Fort Mose, which is
administered by the Florida
Department of Environmental
Further Reading
By Marie Tyler-McGraw
At the core of the Underground Rail-
road story is an argument about the
nature of American slavery and the
extent to which enslaved African Ameri-
cans could and did carry out their own
plans for escape.
Many American historians writing in
the late 19th and early 20th centuries
characterized the slave system as benign
and the slaves as content. To do this, they
had to minimize the importance of run-
aways. U.B. Phillips's book, American
Negro Slavery (New York: D. Appleton,
1918), was the culmination of this work
and dominated the field for decades.
Phillips portrayed escape from bondage
as insignificant to the history of slavery.
It was not until the 1950s that main-
stream historians began to review the
documentary evidence and came to con-
clusions that interpreted slavery and
the slave quite differently. Works by
Kenneth Stampp, The Peculiar Institu-
tion (New York: Vintage Press, 1956)
and Stanley Elkins, Slavery: A Problem
in American Institutional and Intellectual
Life (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1959) saw slavery as harsh, and, in
Elkins's case, as robbing the enslaved of
their sense of self.
These two books sparked a genera-
tion of research beginning in the 1960s
that examined every aspect of the sys-
tem of slavery and generally concluded
that slavery, although deeply damaging
to the African American, did not destroy
the possibility of independent thought
and action. TTie Underground Railroad,
already the subject of some histories
and memoirs and a part of many local
legends, was reexamined as a slave-
directed enterprise.
Many of the local legends gathered in
the late 19th century were published as
oral histories, memoirs, newspaper arti-
cles, and other memorabilia of the
Underground Railroad. They were pri-
marily collected by those sympathetic to
aboHtionism.The most important col-
lected primary sources from that era are
Wilbur Siebert, The Underground Rail-
way from Slavery to Freedom (New
York: The Macmillan Company, 1898)
and William Still, The Underground
Railroad (reprint edition Amo Press:
New York, 1968; original edition Phila-
delphia, 1872). Siebert gathered docu-
ments and reminiscences from aged
abolitionists or their descendants in the
1890s. Still, an active participant in the
Philadelphia Underground Railroad,
attempted after the Civil War to recon-
struct each narrative for publication.
More contemporary are C. Peter Rip-
ley, et al, editors, The Black Abolitionist
Papers, five volumes (Chapel Hill: Uni-
versity of North Carolina Press, 1985-93)
and Charles Blockson, The Under-
ground Railroad (New York: Prentice
Hall, 1987).
A classic work on black history is
John Hope Franklin and Alfred Moss
Jr., From Slavery to Freedom: A History
of African Americans (7th ed., New York:
McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 1994).
The best examination of evidence done
thus far to separate the myth from the
reality of the Underground Railroad is
Larry Gara's The Liberty Line: The
Legend of the Underground Railroad
(reprint edition Lexington: University
Press of Kentucky; 1996; original edition
Lexington, 1961). His first and last chap-
ters are an account of exaggerated and
romanticized texts and newspaper
accounts. Gara has performed the cen-
tral historical task of asking what evi-
dence exists, and he provides a good list
of fictionalized citations to avoid.
Since Gara's book was written, the
1930s Works Progress Administration
(WPA) oral histories of slavery and the
fugitive slave memoirs of the late ante-
bellum era from 1830 to 1860 have been
combed for references to runaways and
the Underground Railroad. Most of the
accounts of slave narratives published
since 1970 — such as John Blassingame's
Slave Testimony: Two Centuries of Let-
ters, Speeches, Interviews and Autobi-
ographies (Baton Rouge: Louisiana
University Press, 1977) and George
Rawick, From Sundown to Sunup: The
Making of a Black Community (West-
port, Connecticut: Greenwood Press,
1972) — have come from those sources.
Useful sources for analyzing fugitive
slave memoirs include Gilbert Osofsky,
editor, Puttin ' on Ole Massa (New York:
Harper Torchbooks, 1969); Robin Winks,
The Blacks in Canada (New Haven:
Yale, 1971 ); Charles T. Davis and Henry
Louis Gates, Jr., editors. The Slave's Nar-
rative (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1985); and R.J.M. Blackett, Beat-
ing Against the Barriers: Biographical
Essays in Nineteenth-Century Afro-
American History (Baton Rouge: Loui-
siana State University Press, 1986). They
note which fugitive memoirs were writ-
ten by the fugitive, which were told to an
editor or amanuensis, which were edited
much later, which were entirely false,
and which were changed substantially
between one edition and the other.
An excellent place to begin the history
of antislavery in North America is Mer-
ton Dillon, Slavery Attacked: Southern
Slaves and Their Allies, 1619-1865
(Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univer-
sity Press, 1990). Overviews of the aboli-
tionists may be found in James Stewart,
Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and
American Slavery (New York: Hill and
Wang, 1976) and Benjamin Quarles,
Black Abolitionists (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1969).
The best summary of the philosophi-
cal development of antislavery in the
Western tradition is David Brion Davis,
Slavery and Human Progress (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1984).
Thomas Haskell makes the argument
for the relation between benevolence
and a prospering economy in "Capital-
ism and the Origins of the Humanitarian
Sensibility," American Historical Review
90, nos. 3 and 4, (April and June, 1985).
The religious impulse in antislavery usu-
ally begins in the mid- 18th century with
the Society of Friends, or Quakers, in
England and America who began to
view slavery as an evil. Although Quak-
ers were not the only religious group to
oppose slavery, they became the best
known. For an account of their spiritual
journey, see Jean Soderlund, Quakers
and Slavery: A Divided Spirit (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1985).
The religious debate over slavery
caused denominational divisions and the
development of Biblical arguments for
and against slavery. The rise of evangeli-
cal Protestantism at the same time as
Enlightenment-based arguments for
American independence and liberty are
explored in such books as Rhys Isaac,
The Transformation of Virginia, 1744-
1790 (Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press for Williamsburg, Vir-
ginia: The Institute of Early American
History and Culture, 1982). Three excel-
lent books on the development of a
black theology and cosmos rooted in
both Christianity and slavery are Albert
Raboteau, Slave Religion: The Invisible
Institution (New York: Oxford Univer-
sity Press. 1978); Mechal Sobel, Trabelin'
On: The Slave Journey to an Afro-Baptist
Faith (Westport, Connecticut: Green-
wood Press. 1979): and Eugene Geno-
vese, Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the
Slaves Made (New York: Pantheon
Books, 1974).
The Journal of Negro History, which
began publication in 1916 under the edi-
torship of Carter G Woodson, often
provided a venue for the pubUcation of
excellent scholarship on African-Ameri-
can life in the decades before 1970 when
the official American history journals
were almost closed to that subject.
Useful overviews of the changing inter-
pretations of slavery and of black life in
the South include Peter Kolchin. Am^n-
can Slavery^- 1619-1877 (New York: Hill
and Wang. 1993) and Peter Parish, Slav-
ery: History and Historians (New York:
Harper and Row, 1989).
For the life of Northern free blacks, see
Chapter 3, "Links to Bondage," in James
Oliver Horton, Free People of Color:
Inside the African-American Community
(Washington: Smithsonian Institution
Press, 1993) and James Ohver Horton
and Lois E. Horton, In Hope of Liberty
(New York: Oxford University Press,
John W Blassingame, The Slave Com-
munity: Plantation Life in the Antebel-
lum South (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1972) argues that
slaves were able to overcome many of
the obstacles that were designed to keep
them separate from each other and
dependent on the masters, as does Her-
bert G Gutman, The Black Family in
Slavery and Freedom, 1750-1925 (New
York: Vintage Books, 1976). For a recent
analysis of the slave family, see Brenda
E. Stevenson, Life in Black and White:
Family and Community in the Slave
South (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1996).
Slave insurrection and rebellion, often
betrayed before they began, were never
successful in the United States. Herbert
Aptheker's American Negro Slave
Revolts (New York: International Pub-
lishers, 1943) is often criticized for his
tendency to accept all evidence for slave
revolt, but the book is comprehensive.
Douglas Egerton has written Gabriels
Rebellion (Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 1993), and Ste-
phen Oates has written of Nat Turner in
The Fires of Jubilee (New York: Harper
& Row, 1975; Perennial Library Edition,
1990). See also Peter Wood, Black
Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Car-
olina from 1670 Through the Stono
Rebellion (New York: Knopf, 1974).
David Walker's Appeal, an angry and
eloquent indictment of slavery by a
black man whose writing influenced
Northern antislavery and Southern reac-
tions, is available in several editions. See
Herbert Aptheker, editor. One Continu-
al Cry: David Walker's Appeal to the Col-
ored Citizens of the World (1829-1830):
Its Setting, Its Meaning (New York: Hu-
manities Press, 1965) or Peter P. Hinks,
To Awaken My Afflicted Brethren: David
Walker and the Problem of Antebellum
Slave Resistance (University Park, Pa.:
Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997).
The creation and persistence of African-
American cultural identity are discussed
in Lawrence Levine, Black Culture and
Black Consciousness: Afro-American
Thought from Slavery to Freedom (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1977),
and the origins of pan- African national-
ism are the topic of Floyd J. Miller, The
Search for a Black Nationality: Black
Emigration and Colonization. 1787-1863
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
For life in Canada, see Robin Winks,
The Blacks in Canada (New Haven: Yale
University Press. 1971); Michael Wayne.
•'The Black Population of Canada West
on the Eve of the American Civil War: A
Reassessment Based on the Manuscript
Census of 1861." Social History, Volume
28, no. 56 (November 1995); and Gary
Collison. Shadrach Minkins: From Fugi-
tive Slave to Citizen (Cambridge. Massa-
chusetts: Harvard Universitv Press,
For Mexico and the Southwest, see
Randolph Campbell. ^4/1 Empire for
Liberty: The Peculiar Institution in Texas,
1821-1865 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana
State University Press. 1989).
For the travel journal of an abolition-
ist who went to Mexico. Canada, and
Haiti seeking the best accommodations
for free blacks, read Benjamin Earle,
editor. Life, Travels and Opinions of
Benjamin Lundy (reprint edition New
York: Amo Press, 1969). Also see Ken-
neth Mulroy, Freedom on the Border:
The Seminole Maroons in Florida, the
Indian Territory, Coahuila, and Texas
(Lubbock: Texas Tech Universitv Press,
Other Titles
Here are a few other publications sug-
gested by Larry Gara. Brenda E. Steven-
son, and C. Peter Ripley:
■ Arna W. Bontemps. editor. Five
Black Lives: The Autobiographies of
Venture Smith, James Mars, William
Grimes, The Rev. G. W. Off ley and
James L. Smith (Middletown:
Wesleyan University Press, 1971).
■ Nat Brandt, The Town That Started the
Civil War (Svracuse: Syracuse Universitv
Press. 1990).'
■ Philip S. Foner. History of Black Amer-
icans: From the Emergence of the Cotton
Kingdom to the Eve of the Compromise
of 1850 (Westport, Connecticut: Green-
wood Press. 1983).
■ Byron D. Fruehling and Robert H.
Smith, "Subterranean Hideaways of the
Underground Railroad in Ohio: An
Architectural and Historical Critique of
Local Tradition," Ohio Historv 102
(1993): 98-1 17.
■ James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Hor-
ton. Black Bostonians: Family Life and
Community Struggle in the Antebellum
North (New York: Holmes & Meier,
■ Carol Kammen. On Doing Local His-
tory: Reflections on What Local Histori-
ans Do. Why, and What It Means
(Walnut Creek. California: Alta Mira
Press, for Nashville, Tennessee: Ameri-
can Association for State and Local His-
tory. 1986).
■ David E. Ky\'ig and Myron A. Marty,
Nearby History: Exploring the Past
Around You (Walnut Creek, California:
Alta Mira Press, 1996; first edition.
American Association for State and
Local History. 1982).
■ Stephen B. Oates, editor, and John S.
Ford. Rip Ford's Texas (Austin: Universi-
ty of Texas Press, 1963).
■ Joe M. Richardson, editor. Trial and
Imprisonment of Jonathan Walker at
Pensacola, Florida: Aiding Slaves to
Escape From Bondage (Gainesville:
University Presses of Florida. 1974).
■ Stuart S. Sprague. editor. His Promised
Land: The Autobiography of John P.
Parker, Former Slave and Conductor on
the Underground Railroad (New York:
WW Norton & Co.. 1996).
■ Julie Winch, Philadelphia 's Black
Elite: Activism, Accommodation, and the
Struggle for Autonomy, 1 787-1848
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press,
Numbers in italics refer to
photographs, illustrations or
Abolitionism 15,55, 56-57,
59, 62-63; African slave trade
in United States, 14; soci-
eties, 14, 56-57, 62; black, 54,
57, 61-62. See also under indi-
vidual names and societies
Africa 22-23, 25
African Meeting House
American and Foreign Anti-
Slavery Society 56
American Anti-Slavery
Society 56, 62
Alum Creek Settlement 7
American Colonization
Society 72
Am/srat? (ship) 14,28-29
Antrobus, J. 35
Arlington National
Cemetery 13
Attucks, Crispus 14, 36
Banneker, Benjamin 36, 37
Bermuda 26
Boston i(?, 66, 75
Brazil 19
Brookes 21
Brown, Henry "Box" 48, 49,
Brown, John 8, 15, 58
Burial, slave 34
Buxton Mission. See Elgin
Canada 7, 48, 68-71
Caribbean area 19, 20
Charleston 21, 31
Churches. See Religion and
Cinque, Joseph 28, 29
Civil War 15; blacks in mili-
tary 75, 64-65
Coffin, Catherine 60, 61
Coffin, Levi 12, 60, 61
Clay, Henry 68, 72
Colored American, The
(newspaper) 67
Collison, Gary 1 1
Company of Royal Adven-
turers Trading to Africa 26
Craft, Ellen 46 47,51
Craft,William46 47, 51
Crowe, Eyre 40
Dawn Settlement 70, 71
Delany, Martin R. 73
Depee, Nathanial W. 54, 55
Douglass, Frederick: aboli-
tionist spokesman 8, 46; auto-
biography 52; photos 14, 53,
57; and Underground Rail-
road 58, 67; Frederick Doug-
lass' Newspaper 52; North
Star 52,53, 59
Dutch 14,20,26
Dwight, Margaret 19
Edmonds, Amanda 39
Elgin Settlement 69, 70-71
Emancipation Proclamation
England 20, 81
Equiano, Olaudah 24, 25
Escapes. See Underground
Europe 20, 23
Fairbanks, Calvin 63
Female Anti-Slavery Society
54th Massachusetts Colored
Infantry 65
Fillmore, Millard 66
Five Black Lives (book) 50
Flora 75, 19
Florida 81; Department of
Environmental Protection
81; Museum of Natural
History 81
Forten, Margaretta 14
Free blacks 12,75,26,31,36,
37; aid fugitive slaves 47;
communal institutions 67-68;
emigration 72, 73; Northern
discrimination 67
Freedom's Journal 67
Fugitive Slave Law: of 1850
7, 11, 14, 63, 66; of 1793 14,51
Fugitive slaves: aided by free
blacks 47; Canada 7, 48, 68,
70-71; Florida 81; escapes 4-5,
8, 76-77, 46-52 passim; illus-
trations cover, inside front
cover, 2-3, 16-17, 48-49, 62;
Mexico 48, 71 , 73; Northern
treatment 14, 68; settlements
2, 66-73, 81; with Union
forces 74-75. See also
Underground Railroad
Fruehling, Byron 12
Gabriel's Conspiracy 28
Garlic, Delia 18
Garner, Margaret 2-3
Garnet, Henry Highland 67
Garrett, Thomas 12
Garrison, William Lloyd 14,
56, 78, 80
General Vigilance Commit-
tee of Philadelphia 61
Georgia, 27
Gibbs, Georgianna 40
Gibbs, Jacob R. 58
Gilbert, Theodosia 57
Gordon 23
Gracia Real de Santa Teresa
de Mose 81
Green, Lear 48
Grimes, Leonard A. 58
Haiti 73
Harpers Ferry 8, 9, 15, 58, 59
Henson, Josiah 70, 71
Jackson, George 38
Jefferson, Isaac 36, 37
Johnson, Eastman 7
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Lawson, John H. 66
Lee, Robert E. 58
Liberator, The 56
Liberia 72-73
Lincoln, Abraham 75, 52, 64,
Loguen, Jermain W. 58, 67
Massachusetts 30; Anti-
Slavery Society 52
Mbanza 35
McHenry, Jerry 66
McKimm, J. Miller 54, 55
Meyers, Stephen 58
Milton House Inn 6, 7
Minkins, Shadrach 8, 11
Molineaux, Tom 37
Moran, Thomas 48
Mother Bethel A.M.E
Church 77
Mott, Lucretia 80
Mulberry Plantation 76-77
National Historic Landmarks
National Park System
Advisory Board 79
National Register of Historic
Places 79
Nelson 71. 73
New Bedford 66-67
New Hampshire 30
New England Anti-Slavery
Society 14.56
New Netherlands (New
York) 27. 30
New Orleans 21
Newspapers 52. 57. 59, 67
New York City 61
New York Committee of
Vigilance 59.61
North Carolina 27
North Star 52. 53. 59
North: fugitive slaves 7. 14;
slave population 30; slavery
ends 31
Oberlin, Ohio, 56-57, 59
Occupations, slave 31, 32-33,
Osbom, Daniel 7
O'Sullivan, Timothy 43
Parker, John P. 54, 58
Penn, William 30
Pennsylvania 30; Abolition
Society 56
Pennington, J.W.C. 67. 73
Philadelphia 14.54.66:
Underground Railroad 61
Pinkney, Jerry 1 9. 33
Population: free blacks, 36,
37; slaves 19. 20, 21-22, 26, 27,
Price, John 59
Purvis, Robert 54, 55
Quakers 11, 12,27,47,59,83
Randolph, John 72
Reed, Enoch 66
Religion and churches 10, 11.
Republican Party 56
Rhode Island 30
Richardson, Lewis 68, 70
Ride for Liberty — The Fugi-
tive Slaves, The 4-5, 1
Robinson, Rowland Thomas
Robinson, Thomas 80
Rokeby Museum 80
Royal African Company 26-
Russell, Emily 39
St. Augustine 14
St. John's Episcopal Church
Savannah 21
Scott, Dred 15
Second Confiscation Act 15.
Siebert, Wilbur H. 11
Slave catchers 51,59, 62, 63-
Slaveholders Directory 61
Slave Hunt (painting) 48-49
Slave Market in Richmond^
Virginia (painting) 41
Slaverv^: in Africa. 22-23, 35-
36; institutionalized 31-33, 35;
free and slave states map 37,
New World origin 20-21. 22:
outlawed 7. 14, 15. 48: own-
ers' rights 47, 51; personal ac-
counts and historians" inter-
pretations 82-85; ships 21;
timeline 14-15
Slaves: arrival 14, 19, 30; cul-
tural life. J4, 35. 40-43: family
life 34-35. 39-40, 42, 43; living
conditions 23, 38, 76-77; re-
volts 14. 28-29: sales 79, 26.
30,39.40,41. See also Fugi-
tive slaves; Occupations,
slave: Underground Railroad
Slave trade 20-21, 23.
Slaves, fugitive. See Fugitive
Smith, Gerrit 56, 57
Smith, James Lindsey 50
Smith, Samuel A. 52
South 31-33, 35, 51
South Carolina 31
Spain 20. 81
State Historic Preservation
Offices (SHPO) 79
Still, William 8, 12. 54. 55, 58,
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 15,
61,70, 7\
13th Amendment 15
miy, Thomas 58
Torrey, Charles Turner 63
Treasurer (ship) 26
Truth, Sojourner 51
Tubman, Harriet 14, 44, 45,
Turner, Nat 14.25-29
Uncle Tom's Cabin 15, 61 . 71
Underground Railroad:
characterized 45-46; duration
75: effect of Fugitive Slave
Law (1 850) 63. 66; escape
routes and stations 12,48-49,
52.54.58-62,85: escapees'
experiences 46-52 passim;
facts and myths 7-8. 11.12.
47: memoirs 8; operational
methods 62-63: origin 47;
runaway population 52. 54;
post-Civil War activity 75;
public views 8, 45; signifi-
cance 62. See also Fugitive
slaves: Tubman
Underground Railroad, The
(painting) 60
Underground Railroad, The
(book) 8. 54. 55
Underground Railroad from
Slavery to Freedom, The
(book) 11
U.S. Constitution 7. 15. 47, 51
U.S.S. Vermont 64-65
Vigilance committee mem-
bers, Philadelphia 54, 55
Virginia 26, 47: Abolition
Society 56
Walker, Jonathan 63
Ward, Samuel Ringgold 66,
Warner, Daniel Dashiel 72
Washington, George 47
Washington, D.C. 15.58
Webb family 71
Webber, Charles T. 61
Wedding, slave 42, 43
White, Jacob Jr. 54. 55
Williams, Jack 81
Williamson, Passmore 54, 55
Wilson, Hiram 58
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National Park Service
Picture Sources
Most photographs and illustrations credited below are restricted
against commercial reproduction. Abbreviations: LC— Library of
Congress: NA— National Archives: NPS— National Park Service;
NYHS— New- York Historical Society: SCRBC— Schomburg
Center for Research in Black Culture. New York Public Library.
Front cover ©Jerry Pinkney: inside front cover SCRBC: 2-3 Mark
N. Mueller. M.D.: 4-5 Brooklyn Museum of Art; 6 Addison
Thompson: 9 Dave Gilbert; 10 Joanne Devereaux; 11 Free Library
of Philadelphia; 13 Mae Scanlan; 14 branding SCRBC, Constitu-
tion N A,'' Boston Massacre^' Boston Athenaeum, Douglass J.R.
Eyerman. Life Magazine © Time, Inc.; Tubman LC; 15 book ad
NYHS. soldiers LC; 15 John Brown, Lincoln LC, Dred Scott Mis-
souri Historical Society; 16-17 ©Jerry Pinkney; 18, 19 Stratford
Historical Society; 20-21 map NPS; 20 bust Metropolitan Museum
of Art: 21 slave Musee de VHomme; ship Mariners' Museum.
Newport News. Va.; 22 branding SCRBC. bell harness, brand NPS;
23 slave NA; 24 Equiano Bridgeman Art Library. London; 24 hud-
dled bovs Mansell.Time. Inc.: 25 Library Company of Philadel-
phia; 28-29 Turner Stock Montage; 28 " Tragical Scene " Virginia
Historical Society; 29 Amistad, Cinque New Haven Colony His-
torical Society; 3i porter tag American Numismatics Society, other
tags Charleston Museum. S.C; 32-33 painting ©Jerry Pinkney; 32
nursemaid Louisiana State Museum Jield hands Corbis-
Bettmann; 34 slave quarters Lightfoot Collection, burial Histonc
New Orleans Collection; 35 Blue Ridge Institute and Museums;
36-37 map NPS; 36 almanac Maryland Historical Society, Isaac
Jefferson University of Virginia; 37 Molineux National Portrait
Gallery, fflg American Numismatics Society, woman George East-
man House: 40 SCRBC:41 Heinz Family Office: 42 /m72/7v' LC,
wedding North Carolina Museum of Art; 44 LC; 46. 47 SCRBC;
48-49 ''Slave Himr Philbrook Museum of Art: 48 "$150 Reward''
LC;49 Henrv Brown Granger Collection. A??fl/7 NPS: 50 map NPS:
51 American Antiquarian Society: 53 Douglass J.R. Eyerman, Life
Magazine © Time. Inc., "North Star" SCRBC: 55 portraits SCR-
BC Jitle page NPS: 56-57 rescuers Oberlin College; 56 "No Union"
SCRBC: 57 convention Madison County Historical Society, NY.
•• The Liberator, " "Anti-Slave-Catchers " SCRBC: 58 LC: 59 NPS:
60 Cincinnati Art Museum: 62 SCRBC; 63 Massachusetts Histori-
cal Society: 64-65 contrabands NYHS:65 soldiers Chicago Histori-
cal Society. "Colored Soldiers!" NPS: 66 NA: 67 Larr>' Sherer
©Time. Inc.; 68 SCRBC; 69 Elgin Archives of Ontario. "Stock-
holders " SCRBC: 70 Stowe. Henson SCRBC. ad N YHS: 7 1 Harri-
et Beecher Stowe Center: 72 Monrovia LC, portrait Historical
Society of Pennsvlvania: 74 NA: 76-77 Gibbes Museum of Art: 78
Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities: 80
Rokebv Museum. Vt.: 81 Florida Museum of Natural Histor>';
back cover Milton House Addison Thompson, tag American
Numismatics Society: Douglass J.R. Eyerman. Life Magazine ©
Time, Inc.. Tubman LC.
U.S. Department of the Interior
The mission of the Department of the Interior is to protect and
provide access to our Nation's natural and cultural heritage and
to honor our trust responsibilities to tribes. The National Park
Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources
and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, edu-
cation, and inspiration of this and future generations. The
National Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the
benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and out-
door recreation throughout this country and the world.
The National Park Service is indebted to all those persons who
made this handbook possible. Among those who aided the real-
ization of this book are Sharon Brown, Warren Brown, Vincent
deForest, and Barbara Tagger, who served both as National Park
Service liaisons to the Underground Railroad Commission and as
members of the study team. Without their vision and cooperation
this handbook would not be in print today. Invaluable assistance
was provided by Marie Tyler-McGraw of the National Park Ser-
vice, Division of History. Within the Division of Publications, staff
members who contributed to the book were: Susan Barkus, pro-
duction designer; Melissa Cronyn, art director; Robert Grogg,
editor; Nancy Morbeck Haack, cartographer; Jane Hanna, editor;
and Linda Meyers, production manager. The contributing authors
are Larry Gara, professor emeritus, Wilmington College, Wilm-
ington, Ohio; C. Peter Ripley, professor of history and editor of
the Black Abolitionist Papers, Florida. State University, Tallahas-
see, Florida; and Brenda Stevenson, professor of history. Univer-
sity of California at Los Angeles. Research was contributed by
Owen Thomas, Hamilton, Ontario. Reviews and advice at critical
junctures were provided by Professor James Horton, George
Washington University, Washington, D.C, and Professor David
Blight, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts. The handbook
was designed by Kirilloff Design, Frederick, Md., assisted by G.
Bruce Hopkins, editor, with picture research by Linda Sykes.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Underground railroad / produced by the Division of Publica-
tions, National Park Service. p. cm.— (Handbook; 156).
Includes essays by Larry Gara, Brenda E. Stevenson, and C.
Peter Ripley. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Supt. of Docs. No.: I 29.9/5:156 ISBN 0-912627-64-6
1. Underground railroad. 2. Slavery— United States— History
3. Fugitive slaves— United States— History 4. Historic sites-
United States. I United States. National Park Service. Division of
Publications. II. Series: Handbook (United States. National Park
Service. Division of Publications); 156
E450.U59 1998
9 73.ril5-DC21 97-52753 CIP
Ou.rlc.^ Spy eu*v(4 iCOu-f ^^
-<• ^
7%e Underground Railroad is the name
given to the many ways that blacks took
to escape slavery in the southern United
> States before the Civil Wan This book
tells that story through essays by histor-
ians Larry Gara, Brenda E, Stevenson,
and C. Peter Ripley. The book is a trea-
y sure trove of historic photographs m^
illustrations, ^